May 27, 2008

Too many Questions

Ok you may be wondering why I am showing this Picture and Why I am not in it. Well that would be because I was not there. I was not informed about it and I was apperently not invited.

Yes this is a Picture of a now married friend of mine. (top left corner) That I have known since 4th grade when he moved into my neighborhood and into my school. We were great friends all the way threw highschool and saw alot of each other up until he left for his mission. I left a little later than he did. so we did not see each other or hear much from each other for about 3 years.

But maybe that is where life laughs at all of us, is the good connections that we lose over time. The things that made me sad. How busy we get and the friends we lose because of it. Well Over the past few years I have not seen or heard much from My friend lance. I got home and talked to him while I was bed ridden for about 3 weeks after some sergury. He said he was over at his parents and would be right over. I did not see or hear from him after that phone conversation for over a year. He never came over. When I asked him later he told me he forgot. So I guess I must have been his favorite friend ever to be forgotten 5 min. after our conversation. I was depressed at that time and really I feel it has affected me for years and to this day on how I react to things. Lance showing up that day would had made me feel better. Not that lance was the only one I didn't see during that time.

But Now I have to ask the Question. Are Lance and I still friends? I hear that he is enguaged from a mutual friend that heard from his sister threw myspace or facebook. So neither of us heard directly, or thats what I understand. I very rarely hear from lance. Last time I talked to him he called me on accident. So maybe I should just drop him because we really have not been friends for a few years now. Maybe he thinks he is better than me because he has been studying to be a lawyer. Maybe we were never that great of friends in the first place. Maybe I was just a stepping stone and someone for him to use to make himself feel better. Or maybe I did something to piss him off enough that he would not even think of inviting me to his wedding, and because of that he will not be invited to mine. Because why have someone around that does not want to be there or see you in the first place.