May 29, 2013

Hate on the other side

All the rage now is for the Gay and Lesbien communities and the media to attack conservatives. They say that if you do not support gay marriage then you are a hater. This is not so and is only good for seperating this country more.
Sure there are people on both sides that have over reacted. More cmmonly known is the unwarrented attacks on homosexual individuals. This is an over reaction to someones lifestyle. This reaction should never be condoned from either side. It only hurts the human condition which is sorly beaten at this moment because of the many soscial issues that are being pushed.
 But as I stand I do not support gay marriage. I do not hate or despise gay people. I have and do know many and besides the one aspect of thier lives I have found them to be on the most part wonderful people. I love the person and hate the sin.
Many now do not understand how I could be so cruel to gays because I do not support thier cause for gay marriage. Well to get this straight I do not support gay relationships, gay sex, or gay anger rants. I do not appreciate being called a biggot, hater, or fox news following redneck. You are not smarter thn me. You are not more enlightened because of your views. I have a right to my views just like you do and I have every right to follow them the way I know to be right.
I do not want to hear your rants on how this is how people are born. Yes sure a small percentage of people are born with homosexual tendencies. but a majority of people comming out now are only using it as a way to get attention. This once again does not help acceptance on either side. This only cause frustration and anger. The many people that come out as gay then just show anger. Rosie odonnel is one of these angry gays. That was a wonderful and sweet person before that was a fun celebrity to watch. Now she is a bitter old maid that has lost half her folliwing if not more but has gained a following of either other angry gays or a liberal group that is wanting to tear down conservatives like myself.
The Gay agenda is a black eye on this country. It is not because of people being gay. But because of the anger and hatred that has come from both sides. Both just as brutal. With many anti gay groups willing to hit someone. While the liberals and gays have used this as a way to attack conservatives just like a teenage girl will fight. With just enough truth to make the lie seem real.