June 26, 2010

Inspiration vs motivation

I have been thinking recently. You can be inspired by many people but they cannot make you a leader that can't make you do anything. They can try to drag you along but it means nothing. So what are our options.
Well if you want to go to the gym every day and get in great shape. You have to do it you have to take the time you are the one that has to get in the car and drive to the gym, or put in the workout video, or just get yourself outside. You can be inspired by your friends going to the gym but that will never make you keep going that will never get you active.
Do not depend on others for your motivation. How many times to we say to ourselves that we will go if "So and so" goes. Or how often do we wait for that phone call by one of our friends to ask us to go do something with them. We are Dependant on them. If you are dependent on someone. Let it go. They will eventually fail you no matter what their good intentions are. But if you take the role as leader you will be the one getting the benefit.
So who is a leader. A leader is one that is inspired by others and then in turn inspires others. They create their own motivation. They are the ones that get up in the morning because it's time to get up. not because they are running late not because someone else forced them out of bed. They got up because they have things they want to do and they have found the motivation they need to keep going.
Things can be rough at times. I have had many times in my life where I have thought of just giving up and not doing anything. But I am willing to get up and continue going. I do not let myself cry over how tired I am. I know that if I go until I am just to tired to go anymore I will feel better the next day. That does not mean that you work work work all the time though. It means that when it is time to get down to business you take care of business before you relax. We are not always perfect in this, but if you keep this frame of mind you will rarely find yourself rushing to meet an imposable deadline.
So let others motivate you and give you good advice. Let others encourage you into doing great things. But find your own motivation. Find your own quest and reason for living. Laying in bed all day or sitting on the couch all day will do nothing for you.