October 26, 2009

Cycle of life.

I was talking to my wonderful wife yesterday about one of my thoughts on life. I believe everything runs in cycles. in general you will see the full outcome of something not right after you are done but after a period of time. I consider this period of time to be generally in 7's. I do not think you will see what a president has done until 7 years after. Most recent is the Republican supported but Democrat endorsed and President Clinton signed housing bill that is one of many reasons for the current economic struggles. But also on that is it has been 7 years since 9/11. We lost many brilliant minds that day and I believe we are paying for it now.
So why do I think this happens? I don't think it is an act of God in general. Maybe in some way it is. But this would be more like god works in mysterious ways then. But I think the people of the world in general have a short attention span. This generally sets things in a cycle. This is why in America you see a switch of Political parties in general every 7 years. This is why you see falls in the market every few years. After 9/11 people were all pumped up about America being strong and powerful. But the population as a whole became disinterested after a few years. Bad decisions were made and people became more interested in other things rather than keeping the market strong.
It was around 3 to 5 months into President Obamas 4 year term that people have started to lose faith in him. 7 months into his Presidency his approval ratings dropped drastically. This shows to me that you only get a short period of time in the public eye to make something work. The issue is that it takes longer than that. President Bush warned that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq would take a long time. The American public was all for that. But, Once the public lost interest in the wars "in general that was after the first few months" you started to see backlash. Honestly this is what Osama was betting on. Vietnam was the same way. Their leaders knew of the worlds attention span, In specific Americas lack of an attention span. They knew they just had to keep picking away. Once that started to happen then the politicians got involved. There were rallies and other things. American soldiers were degraded in their own country. Support in the war was lost. Not that I am saying if it was right to be there or not. But American support fell. Because of that, troops had to pull back, getting many of them killed in the process or throwing away the victories of those that had given their lives to push things forward.
Those are just big examples that have effected our lives now and some of the affects we are only seeing now or have not seen them yet. I think we can all live our lives by a factor of 7. Not that that is a hard number. You can go more or less by a year or two before you notice the difference. It is like a wave of peaks and valleys threw time. I think we are in that right now with this economic down turn. We have hit the low, and it will take us time to get out of it. But we are out. In the next few years we will see growth again. over the next 7 years we will see growth in America and the world. This is the time we prepare ourselves. This is the time we make the good choices in our lives to prepare for the next downturn. Expect to see struggles in the market again in 8 to 9 years. Your life does not have to be in the same cycle as the stock market. You could be having the best times right now, or you could still be on your way up or way down. These are the times that we grow in our lives. It is not a straight track and we will be taken all over. This is how we learn the lessons in our lives is we learn from the bad times and put those into the good time so that when the bad times come around again we can better handle the storm.

October 12, 2009

World is going down hill fast

Over the past few weeks I have thought about this. It has bugged me forever but the other night it came to a point where I just had to let it burst out. "This world is going to hell and I know how and why!"
First off the reason I got upset. I have posted on forums and blogs many time. I usually try to be more of a middle man and I try not to start a fight. But I do say it as I see it and I give reasons why. Well when one of those posts get's deleted or reported because someone got insulted by one thing I said I have every right to get upset. I will do my best from now on not to support these sites.
Now the reason for the issue. Everyone now feels that they have the right to cry about everything. They whimper about how you say something. Not what you mean by it. They take offense to everything. A black person, if they so desire will or are looking for it can make anything look racially motivated. A Hispanic man will say it's you fault he is poor and uninsured even though he is not the one looking for a good job or finishing his education. A feminist will say she was not given a job because she was a woman. Not because she was not as qualified as the person that actually got the job. I am sure there will be someone out there that will be insulted that I used hell in this blog, and to that I say. Dammit I can say what ever the hell I want!
This happens all over the world. You cannot say your thoughts anymore. You cannot give an educated answer unless you have 5 Ph D's on that subject. Otherwise people will take offense to it. They will say your a nut and a crazy angry man. Democrats are getting upset because republicans are demonizing the president. Well I just say it's all fair. The democrats have been doing that for years against Bush. All is fair in love and war as they say. if you give it you better be able to take it.
As for the current American arguments. Healthcare is not a human right, it is a privilege. A right is th freedom to live and breath. If you do not take care of yourself now. we should not be expected to take care of you later when it is already to late. America gives opportunities. They give you the opportunity to have better healthcare. they give you opportunity to have a better job, bigger house, more money. These are not rights. These are not things that should be given to you. You can cry all you want about it. If we want to pour our money to the needy. Give them more opportunities for education. more opportunities to get a good job. Those will give them opportunities to get better healthcare.
Human kind does not need to be pampered and taken care of. We learn by trials. We learn by the hard times that we have to go threw. We learn to take better care of ourselves. If you are not worried about what everyone else is saying you will stop taking everything said as a potential insult.
I cannot say that I have not been part of this and I cannot say that I will never be again. But from now on I am going to do everything I can to not be a part of this system anymore.