September 13, 2012


My latest conspiracy theory. I sure hope I am wrong. I am sure many will think I am wrong. But this came to me while listening to CNN.

If you look at everything Obama has done it is to weaken America. He has set up deals to take over the internet. He has set up deals to drastically cut military spending. This he has put on congress to pass a budget. But to make sure congress does not pass that budget he puts little sticks in the road to trip them up. This might not sound like much but we already know democrats and republicans do not agree with eachother and so it is hard enough to get them to work well with eachother. Now how hard would it be to put something small in the way to make them not work at all with eachother. Obama just has to say once that republicans will not work with him. This is the start of gridlock. Then he sends in a budget that nobody likes. He got 0 votes both side. Thus way he can say he is trying, but still cause more gridlock. But what does this get Obama? Power. He controls the internet and he controls the military even more. This is just the start. But what you will see if this happens and we vote Obama in for 4 more years is a complete takeover of the federal government and the fall of state governments. He will continue to do it slowly until we have nowhere to go.
He already has the power to arrest you for no other reason than he does not like your face. Although it would not currently be taken well if he used it. But that is quickly changing. How would the media react if he arrested a well known conservative? Answer that in your mind and this is not so far fetched.

September 6, 2012

Obama economics.

The Obama economics are like this. Find a poorly placed hole that others started digging. Tell them how bad of a hole they dug that should not have been dug in the first place. Then continue digging a deeper hole faster then those before you. All the while saying how the ones before you messed up by digging the hole in the first place. This is how Obama works. He passes blame. Takes credit for others successes. Makes false claims that you are better off then you were 4 year ago. If you believe anything that Obama says you are simple minded and self absorbed. I am tired of his lies. His stories loosely based on truth. He has not helped you. He will not help you.
You have a choice.
Do we want Obama or do we want someone that knows what they are doing and will do it well.