September 16, 2009

Do we Really need a Public Option? Really?

Ok so this might be late. because it has so far been pushed out or tones down on the current health bill. But Do we really need a public option? I do not see why we do.
Liberals like obama will tell you that we do because there are 50 million people that are not insured in this country. To which I say. How many of those 50 million chose not to be insured because the feel invincible.
Now they will also tell you that this will just be another option in our current healthcare system? Really so we need another option. Do not the plethora of health insurance companies out there consitute plenty of options? do we need one more that just happens to be goverment run?
They will tell us that healthcare costs are way to high. To that I answer. Yes it can be extremly high. But also if you are in general good health you can get a insurace program that is relitivly cheap. More of an emergincy insurance. Fix the little bumps and dings that you will get along the way. The current insurance that I have I am not even sure if I need that much coverage. I am a lucky one though. Because my company still pays for me to be covered. But If I had to. I would be able to get health insurance for half the cost somewhere else.
They will tell you 30+ other countries are doing it and are happy. To which I answer. "Yes and the people in that country will get the extra health insurance provided by companies just so they can get better care that the national one just cannot provide."
So why would we need a public option? I do not see any reason other than the current Goverment wants to be a do all Goverment. We would not get a health benefit. We would not truly get a cost benefit. All we would get is another possible provider or in some cases a second provider.

September 15, 2009

So many things to do.

Well It has been just over 3 months Since Cassandra and I got married. I don't think we have had much rest time either. Family Gatherings, Baby blessings, Double dates with friends (so we don't alienate everyone.) All this has kept us so busy that we have not been to our ward very often. We have not been home on sundays. We are generally out of town or somewhere else. Its a crazy life. But I am glad I have it. Otherwise we would be bored.

Cassie and I finally got some of our pictures hung up in out place. That took way longer than I hoped. We have a new DVD case so that we can fir all of our movies(mostly from cassies side) into something more orderly than what we had before.
Cassie is starting her cousins Biggest looser 2 competition this week. We are hopeing we will win and so although I am not entering it with her. I will be going on the same diet myself. Too loose some much not needed weight and also to not be a distraction to cassie during this competition. I think we have decided that she will be in charge of the food that we eat and I will be in charge of our workouts. Hopefully this works out the best for both of us.

Well I think that is our latest update. Hopefully soon I will get some time to transfer over my computer to our place so that cassie can update her blog also.