November 23, 2023

My predictions for 2024

So I believe 2024 with be a 2020 version  2.0. Here is why. 2024 is another presidential election year. I have already started to see the censorship on social media on the rise. I have already seen the Democrats rigging the Democrat elections for president to favor Biden. We have seen all the Government Legal stuff with Trump.  
So my predictions for 2024.

 First it will be an artificially inflated economy.  The Fed will lower rates. If nothing else it will be by pressure from the Democrats and Biden administration. 
 The reason for this is because, no matter how much you push global warming,  Healthcare, Racial justice. The voters will always vote by their pocket books. Since the Economy is lagging, it needs a boost or to look like a boost. 
So expect interest rates to lower and the stock market to rise. This will mostly help the rich get richer. But if you are smart and able, you can take advantage of this artifical boost for the long run. 

Second you are going to see another push for Covid or something to point at people not willing to get Vaccinated. 
Why? Because when the public is scared they are easy to control. They will vote by fear and emotions and not based off the facts that they know.

Third, you are going to see a massive resurgence of Banning and warnings, on social Media. You will see a lot of post taken down or have warning put on them. It will say sensitive information or false information. Always with the "independent fact checkers"
Why? This is how the Federal government gets around government censorship. It goes to the public systems and "asks" them to censor people and topics they don't want seen. It's still highly illegal for them to do, but harder to prove in court. 

Fourth, you will see the Court system challenged. Both the left and right have diffrent views of how things are. The court should not be bias in this. We have seen over the years both sides push the court system to far and the court system is divided, depending on which state you are in. But both sides are guilty.  Although depending on which side you support. You might say the other side is more corrupt. 

Fifth, their will be a major story of a black person being attacked by a white person. This will be so that BLM can come onto the scene. 
The BLM group does not have much to do with society except for gathering funds during an election year. They also are good at pushing hate between the black and white communities. Stoking division all around the country. This once again bring us to emotional voting over fact based voting. 

Sixth, You will see conservative states push for Abortion bans. Some might be basic while others will be all out bans. 
This is for conservatives gathering the troops. 

Seventh, School shootings and gun control will be a massive topic. We might even see a mass shooting all over the news sometime in the late spring to early summer. 
This once again allows for emotional voting and not fact based voting. It will be in your face on both national news and on social media. They might even encourage a profile picture change if BLM has not already taken that spot. 
Gun control is used as a very divisive topic and fear tactics will be used by both sides. 

Eight, LGBTQ+ also wants in on thsi deal. So they will be part of the mass shootings crowd , physically attacked crowd, bullied crowd and ofcouse the Mental Health crowd. 
Why? Because in our current society. Playing the victim is a major power play. It get the LGBTQ community leaders a lot of money, attention and power. 
The Femanist will also use many of the same tactics to gain money and power. 

Ninth, You could see a political assassination sometime mid summer. Although who, will be difficult to say. Also if they are successful is another thing in question.  
Why? Our nation is divided and already very emotional.  2024 the country will be very emotional and scared. 

Tenth. Lots of riots, all the groups will be rioting all over, from spring to fall and up until the elections. 
Why? Because this makes good television and news cycles, keeps people feeling involved and emotional. It's also how dissenters are found. Those that are not willing to go the length. 
But it also allows for those battles without an actual "Civil war". But you will see people servery injured to murdered on the streets during that time. You might even see police attacked. 

Eleventh: protesting the police and calls to Defund the police. This will come from the past few years, but also anything that can be weponized in 2024. Any police mistake will be ran with and weponized.  
Why? This allows for chaos to happen. To question and fight against the system. It easily allows those willing to listen to justify horrible actions that they would not do otherwise. 

Twelfth,  you will see a resurgence of the proud boys or another "Far Right" group. This will come from mostly angry men on the right, and also the left that will love to take one man's opinion and say it's everyone that does not want to vote for Democrats.  
Why? Because this is how it will go. People will start to get fed up with the chaos of 2024. They will believe they also need to go into an extreme. They will find like minded people. 

Thirteenth, the FBI and other Federal groups will be caught in many illegal actions. Things like finding "Far Right groups" and encouraging them to go further. They will be caught talking to many of the social media companies. They will be caught falsifying papers and hiding information about political individuals.  
Why? Because they have been doing this for decades. They have justified it as it helps them get bigger budgets and also gives them more power to do the things they believe they should have a right to. 

Fourteenth.  Ukraine and Isreal conflicts will get drastically worse, or atleast be reported that way. You will see a larger division here in the states. You will see many Jewish people attacked here in the United States.
Once again this is for the emotional vote and not the logical one. Both sides will use these conflicts to push their agendas. Both sides will stoke the flames of hate. 

It does not matter if all these are right or not. But buckle up for a wild ride in 2024

October 28, 2023

Income tax is a lie to enslave the middle class and poor.

Income tax was made permanent in the early 1900s. I believe 1913. Before that it was to fund the Civil War and was only ment to be temporary.  
But then people with Marxist influence started saying a permanent income tax "Would make the Rich pay their fair share". 
So that is the lie we have been told for over 100 years. With income taxes ever rising and more market crashes than the 200 years before. 
But the truly rich are not part of the income tax bracket. They are part of the capital gains tax system which is a much lower percentage. 
Income tax has been used as an excuse by a poorly ran federal government to create national debt. Something they are not held accountable for. The American people are held accountable for the National debt. 
Then in the 70s they removed us from the gold standard. This allowed them to print more and more money. As of the past 2 decades we have waged wars with Tax money and also printed a lot of money. All making the Fiat money(American Dollar) worth less and less. That also made inflation go higher.
Now you also have a property tax. This also mean if you buy and pay off your house it's never really yours. You are only renting it from the federal government.  They can take it at any time.
 The ever raising prices of the housing market caused by inflation makes it so your property taxes go up every year. 
Eventually no one will be able to sustain a residence and the government will swoop in and own everything.  
We have made ourselves slaves to the system. We currently sit in a socialist country. It does not matter if we want to believe it or not. The government can and will ruin most people given the chance. 
Truly outright socialist countries usually max out at 50 years before they crumble. So depending on when we cross or did cross that line. I don't know if we truly have that much time left. 

October 15, 2023

Art of asking questions

   I come across many people that are more pushing an agenda. But when they can't take their arguments further they use the "I was just asking a question" come back. 
   So the art of asking questions needs to be more clearly defined. First: question are always asking for clarification and understanding. They should never be based off your own personal assumptions, understanding, or agenda.
   Second: If the question is based off your own personal assumptions or other things. You then need to next move to clarification questions to understand what the other person is saying.  A good way to do that is to use the last few words they said or wrote down and put it as a question.  
  Third. Always ask a few questions to make sure you understood what the other person was saying. Then let them clarify if necessary.  
This is also a good way to build trust with someone. 
Never go into something with an agenda. Every negotiation will flow better if you make discovery questions first. 
Make the person feel heard. 

October 3, 2023

2024 is going to break us.

So McCarthy is just ousted. Trump in court today. Biden having impeachment hearings. Hunter Biden also in court. I am sure many many other things going on this week.
I hope I am wrong. But I believe we are just seeing the warm ups for 2024. 
2024 is an election year as was 2020. What do you remember of 2020. I remember a lot of crap going on.
I see more possible lockdowns blamed on Covid. I see bigger issues with Russia and China. The Ukraine war going into chaos.
I see if you don't comply with lockdowns you will be arrested. I see people's names being put on lists, either for the FBI or some other powerful group. I see the possibility of Nazi like interment camps. 
Not that all, or any of it will happen. But those that were called conspiracy theorists back in 2020 for just saying Masks did not work. Or refusing to take the vaccine. Many of them were attacked or had their lives ruined by the federal government policies. Democrat run cities arrested people for being in parks during the lockdowns.  Actually the safest place to be, out in the open air and sun. 
So prepare for a crazy or more appropriate word, insane 2024

September 30, 2023

prepare for many scare Tactics in 2024

2024 is going to be a crazy year, and the Democrats are gearing up for the fear mongering early. It's just the way they can have you watch one hand and ignore the other. 
They have already rigged the DNC election with blocking RFK. He can't campaign in some states. He has been denied secret service. Even though he has shown multiple threats against him. 
The DNC did the same election rigging to Bernie sanders for the past two elections. 
So we already know the DNC Riggs, its own elections.  
The Democrats do rigg primary elections, both presidential and state. 
With the many indictments against Trump the past year. They are actively working to make it impossible for him to run. They are even making up rules on the spot to try to stop him from running. So while they try to call Trump childish, thier actions of constantly changing the rules for their own benefit is very childish behavior.  
Now they are craying Russia Russia Russia. It is the start to a scare tactic they use. 
They will use their Ukraine war to pass along propaganda to us. They have kept the Ukraine war going just to have a reason to talk about it and blame Republicans when ever possible. But also put those connections to Russia interference always looming.
I believe in late 2024 you will see the Ukraine war resolved so that Biden can claim victory. It will look good to the voters and will be desined to make Biden look competent and strong. 
Nothing when it comes to the Democrats is reality right now. They are very much working to design your reality,  and their reality will lead to your oppression and mass poverty in 2025 if they keep power. 
So prepare for a crazy 2024. 

September 14, 2023

Government is our problem

So many people complaining about where the money is. But asking government to take a bigger roll in everything.  
Problem is the bigger government gets the bigger our problems get. 
We all have seen the stories. Some big company gets into financial struggle.  Suddenly the government comes in and pays off their debts.  
Well problem is, that is tax money, the people's money. 
Then you have people saying the government should help the people. Things like socialism.  But that always throughout history has ended in poverty and government collapse.  
What we really need is just a government that is basically a referee. They only give us the rules and make sure we play nice together.  They take a very limited role in the game. They do not give one side extra points if they fall behind.
Small government. Designed to help society grow and flourish. Where we the people make sure everyone is taken care of. That is why we have charities.  They are not designed to make people rich. But to help those in need. 
When government gets out of the way and just gives us basic rules to follow, society thrives. 
When government gets big. Society gets selfish. We get division and poverty. Poverty increases crime rates. When government gets big new crimes are made avaliable to break and people will break them. 
Our tax system is designed to keep us in poverty. Income taxes are an unfair tax on the people. They take a large chunk of your income to make government waste. 
Social security has proven its self to be insufficient and very poorly ran. Always being told there is not enough money. All this done by government. 
On top of that. Why do we have to fill out or taxes every year? Because government made a deal with some very big companies that make billions every year off us paying taxes. 
The system has been broken by the very people we voted in. The system as been broken by our votes. 

September 3, 2023

A Culture of broken Women

I do believe our current culture encourages and also celebrates broken women. 
Many of us possibly have heard how many women get into the porn industry. Generally it is them having a bad life. An abusive parent or parents. Generally a drug addiction comes into play. This leads to a bunch of other bad habits. If they don't die quickly it leads to habits that just are looking for attention. Which the porn industry provides plenty at a price. 
But now we see this spread to things like Onlyfans. Where women believe they are empowering themselves. Often showing highly suggestive things for a price. But I have also seen a few videos where those same women say they hate the men they talk explicitly to. 
But we now go another step down. Where young women, often still young teens, are feeling they are supposed to send explicit pictures to young men. All in hopes that some young men would like them. 
But all of this does nothing for society.  It actually tears it down. It encourages bad behaviors and only makes for bad relationships.
It's does nothing to help young men or older men to think of women of anything other than an object to play with. It makes women just the new shiny toy to be cast aside when it becomes too old and boring or a new toy comes along.
That society feeds off a strong trait that men like a visually pleasing woman. But also teaches men nothing. 
It teaches men to always move on and not truly care for women. It teaches women that men are just easy cash and a easy way to be pampered for a short while. 
It's a part of society that has pushed for abortions. So that women can still be promiscuous with no regrets. Not able to create those deeper human bonds with a new child. Also that she had no boundaries with a man. So one of them got bored and left. 
It teaches both genders to have no self respect. To not set boundaries with themselves or with others. Which in turn teaches self hate.
It causes emotional damage and always encourages us to pass blame onto someone or anything else. 
There are also many that celebrate it. Calling it "Women's empowerment" or even "Women's rights" many many parts of society have been corrupted by this virus. 

Many are now coming out to fight against it. But this war will be a long one. It has destroyed much of our society.
We have both Males and Females walking away from each other. Both pointing fingers at the other. Both blaming the other. Blaming the other for not doing enough or demanding too much. 
Both sides need to fix it. But we have to get the correct information to people. 
We have to teach men to be good men. We have to teach women to be good women.
We have to stop using Sex as a marketing tool. A tool to get easy money and temporary pleasure.
We have to re-learn as a society on how to gain deeper emotional connections. Connections deeper than the surface levels we currently subscribe to. Deeper connections that make it so a lifelong relationship not only can happen, but allows both sides to thrive. 
Deeper connections that will allow both when they intimately connect, not only be physical but also mentally and spiritually beneficial.
Their are couples that have that connection. They are the ones that should be praised and emulated. They are the ones we should learn from until it permeates society. That it becomes more natural.  That those ways are how we raise our children. 
It is then and only then, that humans can reach that next level of our evolution. 

August 28, 2023

How much am I worth to you?

How much is my life worth to you. 
That use to be a very generic question with no real answer. But in today's medical society it has become a very real question. 
With so many things that can hurt our health, thus our lives. It comes the question. How much would you be willing to pay to keep someone alive?
Now this question also becomes subjective to your access to money.
Also with that, the cost of medical protection has skyrocketed over the years. 
So the process of dying in the U.S.A. has become very very expensive.  You could have had a small inheritance for the kids. If you do not have good health insurance.  That inheritance is gone. 
So how much are your loved ones willing to pay to keep you around. 
It's a very difficult question to actually answer as you have many many unknowns.  Like how much is it going to cost and how much can you get approved for. In some cases the appropriate action might not even be offered because of your financial situation.  
So the system has already put a price on many people's heads. The system is cruel. 
The system has turned more into making some people very very rich. Over giving everyone quality Healthcare. 
But also I don't think many answers like socializing Healthcare will make it any better. 
Doctors need a system where they can truly care about each person's outcome. One where that person does not just become a number. Either a financial number or person served that day,month or year. 
Our system use to feel more like that. But the mega corporations and the general thing of Healthcare insurance which is by its very nature is run by the numbers. Which numbers by their very nature are unforgiving and can be very cruel.  
But you go into cost. The constant and often high inflation that happens with our money. Meaning you can do less with what you have. 
Meaning the state of our economy has also ruined what should be the most cherished times in our lives. 
The Gold in Golden years is for those treating you and not the person being treated. 
So now not only is it the Nature of the Health insurance and mega corporations.  But also you get to the federal level and the many many failures of the FED to actually control the money in the system. 
Every time the economy crashes there is a wealth transfer.  Every time the economy has a downturn. The poor get poorer. 
That is the fault of the FED. 
So that is the 3 bigger problems.  Mega Corporations,  Health Insurance and the FED. But what do they all have in common?..... Well the answer is. They are far removed from the problem.
They are the benefactors of a struggling economy. They are the benefactors of high inflation. They have traded and put high interest rates on your present to secure their future. 
But also I don't want to blame or attack the rich. Because many people do work hard for what they get. 
But what I say is. We also need to use the hard cruel number system to fix its self. Because the system is not in its current state, in a long term sustainable situation.  It is currently set up to fail on its own weight sometime in the future.  But when that happens no one will be financially available to help it. 

August 23, 2023

The Past is always there

I had a realization yesterday of how much my divorce still bugs me. Not that I want to go back to that relationship. But about the betrayal and story that went with how that relationship ended. We both were not perfect in the relationship. Although it was her that left and was the one that asked for the divorce. 
I was angry for a long time. The feeling of betrayal consumed me. Many of the false stories passed along hurt. 
Over the years I have mostly moved on. But yesterday a coworker who didn't know I was divorced asked me how long ago it was. I was almost shocked to say that was just over a decade ago. 
Mostly I don't think of the relationship other than to say "I don't want that" with things. I learned alot about what I want and don't want in a relationship. I learned alot about what I want in a woman. 
But I was surprised yesterday that I still hold some kind of sad emotion for that relationship. Some anger for that relationship. 
It's something I still need to work on and move on from. Some more closure I need to work on. Not the "I don't care" mentality.  But getting to the point where it does not bring up negative emotions.  
I usually don't talk about it. Or I can just joke a little about it. More light hearted stuff. I can even often generically analyze it, to say I like or don't like that kind of thing.
But sadly I still have some personal triggers from it. Triggers I need to fix or get help fixing. 

July 11, 2023

Intelligent women problems

So this might upset some. But just a thought on this topic. 
I have seen and heard many studies that in general women with high IQs have a hard time finding someone to marry. 
Also typical psychology men marry even to down on a hierarchy when women like to marry equal to up in that hierarchy.  
So does it come to the point where women with high IQs are not decent enough people to be able to see the great qualities in a man with a lower IQ than her. Is she so stuck in her ego that she cannot and is unwilling to look down with love. 
So say she is earning a good 6 or even 7 figure salary. Does she really want a man earning a 7 or 8 figure salary? Well that is slim pickings in any place. 
Where a man at a 6 or 7 figure salary is more than willing to marry a women with a 5 figure salary or even a salary at all. 
So when I see women complaining about men on line. Saying they know so much about men. But then complain they are single. Well those women are the problem. They are the ego driven individuals. They are the ones, that even though they might have a high IQ, are lacking. 
So when I see the ego driven women pushing their ego driven agendas online I just move along as they need to be humbled by life, before they can be worth a man having them around. 

April 1, 2023

The possibility of a Crisis

There have many people talking about how a few countries are moving or considering moving to the Chinese Yuan be their standard over the American Dollar. 

But I am not going to go over the crisis as per the American dollar, but what comes after the fall and the effect on the people. 
This is a topic that has been lightly talked about for the past decade if not much much longer. 

When Venezuelas system crashed in 2014. We had our politicians calling about how socialism didn't work and that is what crashed Venezuela. We even had Bernie sanders say Bread lines should be normal in America.  This is important as this is the step we might be all doing very soon. 

Gone are the days of American dominance on the world stage. We have our own children starving in the streets while the political elite talk alot about making changes they never will make that change for. 

This is what has lead us into this scare, and if it hits, it will be a very sudden crash of our whole system. So to be prepared what should we do now?

Food Storage
We all should be striving for 6 months to 1 year of Food storage. All your basic necessities. Things like water, flower, sugar, vegetables and fruits.  Things that can last for a while and keep you from starving.  Keep yourself from the bread line. 

Medical kits
This is something you should have now anyway. But it is a good time to make sure it is fully stocked up. Make sure many of your basic needs are there. Maybe even a needle and thread for stitches in an emergency.  Don't expect the hospital to be able to help you. 

Gas or an Energy for Vehicles
Just like food Storage. It might be good to have some fuel storage. This is either going to be in a container or if EVs. It's a way to make power, like Solar panels. 

Now here is the reality. China has been buying up land in America for decades. China is not a friend of America, they have worked with us and often behind our backs to ultimately undermine us. 
They have allowed many of their youth come here for University educations. They knew many of them might stay here. But also many would go back to China.  
China has also been stealing our technology for decades. Slowly building up their factories with very cheap labor. The Chinese government does not are about people. 
Now China is looking to be a dominant force in the currency markets. They have already made deals with Russia, Brazil Saudi Arabia and now France. Possibly even more I am not aware of. 
China's goal is to Overthrow American dominance. They have used our own selfish egos against us and will tear us apart from within.  
Our own politicians are feeding into this and have done nothing and will continue to nothing. They make us worry about race, sexual orientation, Gender differences just to get elected for another 2, 4 or 6 years. 
We pay with our tax dollars for our own demise.  
So unless the Politicians get off their asses now! We the American people will become the next Venezuela.