December 2, 2008

Be Still My beating Heart

Ok Looking on the Web today I saw something that made my heart go pitter patter. And of all things a game. But not just any game a game that includes action. and adventure unlike many I have ever seen in the past. A game that brings me back to the days when Indiana jones was at his peek. and Laura croft tomb raider was all the reage. It took concepts from the two and combined them togeather and then added alot of it's own personality to make one of the greatest games of 2007.

This is one of those games that can bring everyone togeather. Those that don't like to play will still love to watch this fun and very interesting story. My Girl Cassie Belle although not a big fan of video games loved to watch and has even played some. It is one of very few games that I have played threw multipule times. The scenery is Beautiful. Running threw the game is litke looking at a painting. I almost wished at times I could have had a camera in the game to take pictures of some of the sunsets. Then at the end of the game I felt like I was saying good bye to old friends.
Pictured above are the two of the friends in the game Nathan who is the main charater and Sully who is his partner in crime. The personalitys of these two is unlike any other game I have seen. they banter back and forth and you get the feeling these two digital characters really have known eachother for a long time.

So if you have not played Uncharted Drakes Fortune. I would highly recommend it. You will laugh, Cry, Jump with both fear and joy. You will be able to walk away with the feeling of watching an indiana jones movie for the first time. You will feel like you did when you walked out of George Lucas or Stephen Speelburgs older movies. You know before they got old and lost the desire to push the limits and the need to prove themselves. This is one of the great games to have been made.

And now to move onto the Reason for this post. The reason my heart jumped. The reason I am so excited. The sequal to one of the greatest games made. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

November 11, 2008

America full of Dreams and Bull

Bush has had one of the most difficult Presidencys ever. Failure is harsh words for someone that has been threw so much and done so much for this country.
He was there at the first of his presidency with one of the most brutal attacks on this or any other country. An attack that was on Civilians and not the Military. He was there and he was strong and Vowed to keep us safe from attacks like that from years to come and Although he may have made some bad decisions during that time. We have been safe from many terrorist attacks. But he did not have some of our soldiers show no class and torture prisoners. He was the one that issued the formal apology for someone elses mistake.
We Give him grief on the failure of the people of New Orleans. The failure of the under maintained Levees that broke under the pressure of one of the most horrific Hurricans this country has seen. We give him grief because Aid was not there immediatly. But I did not see many of the people of new orleans helping themselves to anything other than free aid and free store electronics. They did not have to go in and clean up the dead bodys, they asked everyone else in the country to do it. They did not all go in and rebuild thier city. They asked the rest of us to do it. Bush did not fail then. We did. We just have passed the blame onto him. Shame on America not on Bush.
Bush may not have been the best President this country has ever seen but he is not the worst. He made decisions when no one else wanted to. He was there for this country and we turned our backs on him. Shame on us. Shame on us for being so petty. Shame on us for being so weak. Shame on us for being so greedy. No wonder the rest of the world hates US.
He knows he is not well liked. But now he is still trying to make a gracefull exit. I applaude him on being civil when no one else seems to be able to.

Prop 8 and how it is right.

Proposition 8 Passed recently in California amongst a few other states. Talking with a friend today I have found a few reasons that prove that in todays sociect it is right and that the opposition has not need to take cheap shots at the LDS religion who was a large supporter of it.

First off. Gay marriage was forced upon many People in this country by a supreme court judge that with his own reasons. Bypassing millions of voters in California thoughts and opinions for the few. This country is built upon Democracy. The many rule over the few. The vioce of the people run this country and not the few. So if the people of this country or any particular state do not want to support something. Weather it is gay marriage or anything else. We as a people have that right.

Second is the fact that Marriage is something that was orriginally supported by Religions. weather it was jewish, catholic, Muslim, or many other. So Marriage is a religious Cerimony. So Religion has every right to state and hold firm to saying that Gay marriage is against the will of god. It is thier stance.

Third is that Religions and people have the same right to an opinion against Gay marriage that the Gays and Lesbiens and thier supporters have for it. An opinion is just that. Its not law until the people make it a law. And in this case opinion is that people are against gay marriage.

This country is under fire, Religions may call it the Devil. I call it the Devious and Evil. Wether it's gays, Enviromentalists or just religious fanatics and any other group. Those that have a little knowledge saying they know everything. Admitting weakness in nothing. And not willing to look at anybody elses opinion as valid. They are only for themselves. They are showing what this country is becomming. We are spoiled brats. We get what we want how we want and when we do not get it. we throw a temper tantrum. We cry and stomp our feet. We tell everyone that it is not fair. Pass blam and tell lies. We put others below us. we are of no use to the world.

As a country we need to stand up for these things. We need to have a voice of reason. We need to stop listening to screw ups like Madonna and Joy Bayhar. Yes, they have a right to thier opinion like anyone else. But they stand for a country that does not want any responsability. They want anything and everything at all times. They want to do what they want when they want. Celebrities are not always the best people to ask for an opinion. We need a country with morals. A country that will not cry at the drop of a pin. A country that not only watches out for others but ourselves.

October 29, 2008

Hidden Demons

Last Night I was awoken with a startle from one of my dreams. The Dream Was largly based on me running around in this strange area. Honeslty I think it was inspired from the game I just purchased yesterday, "Little Big Planet". But I was not bothered by that. Although odd it was quite the enjoyable dream. But what Startled me was the short but sudden change that happened in the dream.

As I was saying I was wondering around. It was an area that I had just cleaned up myself and was very proud. Not even a speck of dust was to be seen anywhere and it was quite the large area. I was almost hovering around I was moving so fast. Alot of ups and downs. Stairs and solid wooden boxes. It was a very colorful dream.

After I had run away for a while. I noticed a very dusty area I had not seen before. I went in and it actually looked alot like a room in my parents basement except slightly larger and where there is a concrete wall was a large opening into what looked to me like avery nice home theater room. Well I started to walk over to the room and noticed some sort of demond in the room, smoking what looked like a cigar. although I was not sure. I only saw his arm and a slight profile of his face. He called my name with the frightening deep crackly voice. It starteled me so much that I woke up right then.

I woke up with such a fright that I am not sure if the voice was part of my dream or if it was something in my room. because I work up mid word but heard the whole word. It really freaked me out. But I like to consider myself fairly brave at times. So after a very quick scan of my room I went back to sleep. But still it gave me quite the scare and really made me think. What did he represent. What inner demonds do I have that I have either forgotten abot or apparently do not know about. What is in my dusty unused basement.

October 22, 2008

The Woman I intend(ed) to marry.

(This is something that I wrote a few months back. I can say in many ways I do still feel the same but I feel it is all for not. I cannot talk to me Belle anymore. I do not feel she wants to see me anymore. But I would take her back if I knew she was still mine. But I don't know if that will ever happen.)

I have the most beautiful woman around me. she has the softest skin and a shine in her face. spunk in her attitude mixed in with a little sass and pride. I love my Belle and I want to world to know that. She is my world and what my life was ment for. I love to pamper her and buy her gifts and flowers, candies and all the little things that let her know that I am hers. I don't want to know what life is without her ever again. She is my ray of sunshine and my compas threw life. She is my streangth, will, & power. She can always put a smile on my face or make me cry when she is upset. I love to have her near me and to smell her close. I love to hold her and squeeze her and never want to let go. I love her laugh and I love to tickle her even when she begs me to stop. I like to encourage her to prove her streangths. I want to be her sugar dady and she can be my sugar mamma. Not with money but with hugs and kisses. I love my Cassandra Bell Mcmanama

Pick Your Poison.

I though I would give some of my thoughts on the whole McCain/Obama Presidential race. First of all I do not think either man is a devil or a saint. They are both men with flaws. Something that the American public seems incapable of seeing on either side. One is always viewed as incompitent or evil just depending on what side you vote for.

The sides can and are very diffrent. This is part of the root to the problem in America these days. "If your not arguing with someone then how could either of you be right?" for some people there has to be constant conflict, constant argument, constant hatred of the opposing team. Although this has always been part of life I believe that the media has brought it more to light. Giving people more to get upset about and more to argue about.

Talking around the cooler use to be the extent of most light harted but heated debates. Now we make instant comments on someones news article, or even on someones blog. Fights break out on this for multipule reasons. either someone does actually disagree with you, or someone is just looking for a fight. One is just fine and part of how life should be. The other is a childish act by someone.

So what does the media and are own actions have to do with the canidates? Well first of all Dirty politics in the past of back-biteing and false or twisted acusations has now started to show it's self in our daily lives. The politicians do not have to do the dirty politics anymore. The news does it for them and we add fuel to the fire. News stations rarely just give us the facts anymore. They have to interpret it for us also. They have to tell us what we think. They give us our opinion. Why? Because we told them to do it.

Now back to the presidential election. How do we choose our next President? How do we choose the next leader of the free world? I mean a debate would normally be a good thing. But these days politicians only tell us what we want to hear. They can fix the economy! They will fix all the faults of what the previous president or previous party! The economy will improve our incomes will go up and our stress levels will go down. They will fight for the people. The Middle and lower class. The working man/woman. They will do better than the other canidate. They will save us from ourselves. I am thinking I have heard this all before. I am hearing this from McCaine but more importantly I am hearing it from Obama - The outed parties for the past 8 years presidential canidate. Can we go off what they tell us? No!!! They have just as much of an idea on whats going to happen tomorrow as anyone else in the world. They are public speakers and are just trying to sell us what we already have.

So how about thier past? I mean Bill Clinton always wanted to be president, Ronald Reagon wall a well respected Actor. Two diffrent people for two diffrent background. We found faults with both. We have always found the faults in our leaders. But it just proves that we cannot go by who the person shows himself as.

Basically I don't think either canidate is perfect for the job. I think both would do great things for this country and both would struggle greatly with other things. So Pick your poison.

September 29, 2008

I am a flood victim

This past Friday I came home after going to work running errands getting some lunch with my mom and then going to the gym to find my bedroom carpet soaking wet. It was like walking on a sponge. every step and the carpet would just drain water all over sinking out deeper each time. a small pond surrounding your foot and then dissapering back into the floor as you took another step.

So I had to move everything out. Take apart my bed and move my nightstand and my very heavy dresser. (Ok honestly I had the carpet people move the dresser when they came to drain and clean the carpet. ) But still I did alot of work. I have gathered alot of crap over the past 2 years.

So the past few days I have been sleeping on an air mattress in a now extra bedroom while big industrial fans blow the carpet in my room dry.

I do hope to be back in my bed tonight or possibly tomorrow. But you never know for sure.

August 21, 2008

Oh how long has it been.

I have been asked alot recently how often I have been praying. By many diffrent people, not just one or two. I do not remember the last time that I got down on my kneese and prayed. I have never been one to say prayers in the first place. I do not like to ask for help. Maybe I am to stubborn, or maybe I am just too scared. Prayer just mean to me that I am going to be asking for help. Help for something that I should be able to do myself.

August 9, 2008

There is Beauty all around... Even when your at home.

Ha ha making a church song to fit my needs. So I have took a few pictures with my new phone. I love it. I have the new LG Dare from Verizon and I am still loving it. and here are some reasons why.

First of all My phone takes panoramic pictures :) this is a vew of the mountains from the park about 30 sec. from my home. it's a nice small little park. with a great view. Those are Beautiful mountains if I do say so myself.

this is the front view from my porch over the salt lake valley. it was a nice sunset. and they have always been difficult to catch with a camera phone. But I think this turned out quite well.

I do think I live in a very pretty area.

August 8, 2008

Sitting by the kitchen dreaming of food.

So I have been at my new office for a few weeks now. I have really been slacking on updating my blog and I am sorry to those 2 readers. So here is an update hopefully a very long and interesting one.
My new office is very nice I like all my bosses depending on the day and the job I can have up to 5 but usually it is just one or two. As you can see my desk is right by the break room. So I am getting up and drinking alot more water these days. A good thing but also the bathroom is a little further away and I am taking more of those breaks also. Ha it's funny how life evens out.
Also as you can see my life as a draftsman is full of clutter. paper paper everywhere comming at random times and coming in bulk. Maybe I have no choice but to be cluttered like this or maybe I just learned it from family. Either way I feel like a complete slob 5 days of the week.
But one of the best things of all is the fact that I am able to have money in the bank. I am not spending it on gas or snacks. or half as much soda "Water Breaks!!!" they are great.
I am still doing some projects in Revit. Possibly I will be taking some revit classes sometime soon and also I will be looking into taking some classes for a program called Microstation. I have not heard wonderful things about the program. But many govermenet entities require it. You know... To make things more difficult and less cost efficent. I love how my tax dollars are spent.
So then other news on the office front was the loss of the Junior Engineer at my office. I guess things were not working for either side and he was let go after around 2 months. So that added alot of pressure onto everyone in the company. Well atleast the draftsman that would be needing to pick up the slack and get to know his project that includes me. I think I am safe for atleast another two weeks. Actually out of what I heard I am safe for alot longer than that unless I really screw up. But you never know. I am hourly so that means first to be let go if things go badly.
On a good note. They have unofficially that this is the year that they take the entire company to Disneyland for a weekend. I don't have much more innfomation except for the fact that it will be sometime in early December. Also I am allowed and encouraged to bring one person along with me. As of two weeks ago I don't know who that is anymore. But that is another story I am still trying to cope with myself and would completly negate how I started this paragraph.
So I guess that just about covers it. I am doing well. I am making money and if I do well I will make more. and I have no other life to speak of still. Getting up and trying to get to work by 7am everyday is still a pain but I think I am getting better.

June 17, 2008

A new way and a new life

So I have already told most if not all of my family and most of my friends. But soon I will be drafting for a much bigger company a little more money and I will be alot closer to home. I could even take the option to go home for lunch. Something I cant justify now because driving home and back would take me an hour already.
I am excited that i will not be spending hours and hours on small house additions that should only take me a hour total on the job but then takes longer because of the 50,000 changes that come over the next few days and months. People, It's only a garage addition!!!!
I am excited because I will have the option to go to lunch with my dad more often since he will be working what will now seem like just around the corner. We will be by the food mecca of Draper. So variety will be nice.
I am excited because I will have to pay way less money on Gas to get to work on a daily basis. I spend currently $60 a week on gas if not more. Somthing that even 5 years ago I would have passed out and nearly died after seeing.
I am not excited because it means no more shorts to work and I might even have to wear a collared shirt. I think the Devil came up with the idea of a collared shirt so that we could waste material and have it rub the skin on our necks raw and possibly even give us horrible rashes. Or maybe it was the skin care people that got togeather with the clothing designers and they both decided it was a good way to make a buck. Eitherway I am going to have to find a way around wearing a collar without quitting or loseing my new job.
I am excited because my current boss will still be my boss. I won't have to total change in how I see redlines and how things are communicated to me right away.
I am excited because instead of half my medical being paid it will all be paid. So I can be a happy camper.
I am excited because I will have a way to move up in this company if I work hard. I will be able to earn more money and I will be able to pay off bills and life a better life.

May 27, 2008

Too many Questions

Ok you may be wondering why I am showing this Picture and Why I am not in it. Well that would be because I was not there. I was not informed about it and I was apperently not invited.

Yes this is a Picture of a now married friend of mine. (top left corner) That I have known since 4th grade when he moved into my neighborhood and into my school. We were great friends all the way threw highschool and saw alot of each other up until he left for his mission. I left a little later than he did. so we did not see each other or hear much from each other for about 3 years.

But maybe that is where life laughs at all of us, is the good connections that we lose over time. The things that made me sad. How busy we get and the friends we lose because of it. Well Over the past few years I have not seen or heard much from My friend lance. I got home and talked to him while I was bed ridden for about 3 weeks after some sergury. He said he was over at his parents and would be right over. I did not see or hear from him after that phone conversation for over a year. He never came over. When I asked him later he told me he forgot. So I guess I must have been his favorite friend ever to be forgotten 5 min. after our conversation. I was depressed at that time and really I feel it has affected me for years and to this day on how I react to things. Lance showing up that day would had made me feel better. Not that lance was the only one I didn't see during that time.

But Now I have to ask the Question. Are Lance and I still friends? I hear that he is enguaged from a mutual friend that heard from his sister threw myspace or facebook. So neither of us heard directly, or thats what I understand. I very rarely hear from lance. Last time I talked to him he called me on accident. So maybe I should just drop him because we really have not been friends for a few years now. Maybe he thinks he is better than me because he has been studying to be a lawyer. Maybe we were never that great of friends in the first place. Maybe I was just a stepping stone and someone for him to use to make himself feel better. Or maybe I did something to piss him off enough that he would not even think of inviting me to his wedding, and because of that he will not be invited to mine. Because why have someone around that does not want to be there or see you in the first place.

April 22, 2008

Learning a new way. Revit.

Ok for most people that have been around me for the past month or 3 have possibly heard me talk about the new drafting program I am learning called Revit. This program has been out for about 3 or 4 years now. But Up untill now there has not been a big reason to buy it. Specifically for engineers. But now we are getting more and more requests for us to start working on it. So here I am. Lucky for me I know enough about drafting and 3D, that I am not completly lost.
But I now have got to a point where I actually need to read all the help files and tutorials so that I can make a cleaner better drawing. But I do love to do some projects on revit. Adding in floor and roof joists is just fast and clean. I just pick a room and it can figure out the walls and beams and depending what wall you are on it will decide what direction the beams will be going. Also making it easier for me I can quickly change beam sizes that will change most notes that I have linked to it like Beam Schedules.
All columns go up and threw and since this is a 3D drawing. It takes out all the cordination that is usually transfered inbetween drawings. So one a drawing has been set up, any changes are much easier and less time consuming.
But this is still lacking some things I would like. Details can be difficult. Unless you are both designing and drafting. That is not something I do on a normal basis. So I still do most details in Autocad and then import them into Revit. Its also difficult to place roof beams in specific places. since so many windows and door heights are diffrent. It would be nice to be able to place a beam over a doorway. Also some I have noticed that Revit Structure shows drawings like an architect would show them. My biggest issues so far is the views. I want to place a beam over a doorway. But so far I have found the best way to do that is go to the lower level and find the door ways and then place the beams and tell them they are in the next level up. But then there is another issue. Because the beams show up but the doorways and window openings do not, or iF I lower my view cuts it either cuts out some things that are higher that I do want to see or or cuts out beams that are higher. But these might all be things that I might learn how to adjust later.
But this is they way engineering and drafting is going. 3D is a better way to work with others. because you pdate anything and all other views like elevations and details are updated also along with corresponding floor plans. I am excited to learn all of this.
I think I have decided to post a new lessong or review on the diffrent tools of Revit as I learn them. I will start with what I know and when I get to it I will post what I learn. First will be grids. Look forward to it.

April 10, 2008

I was Tagged!!!

A: Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.

B: At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names; then goes to their blogs, leaves them a comment letting them know that they have been tagged and invites them to read your blog.

1. I constantly check my e-mail and myspace accounts. although I do not always reply to them because I say to myself I will later and then I forget.


3. I am usually ready early for anyplace that I am going. If I am late it's because I got the time wrong or I was waiting on someone.

4. I love to sit and Spec out new computers in my spare time. If I could build a computer once a week I would be happy. But that is an expensive hobby

5. Even though I don't go every day. I love to go jogging and if I had the time during the day I would go everyday. But I don't like to jog in the cold so that cuts out most mornings and nights right now.

6. I am currently Addicted to buffets. Right now I am in love with Sweet Tomatoes. Honestly I never thought I would be like my dad and crave a good salad this often. But dang it!!! I make an good salad at sweet tomatoes.

So I don't have 6 people to tagg. I know pathetic. But I am tagging the Burton Family and Kevin and Lachelle.

March 19, 2008

Rooting for the underdog.

I have an issue and most people are starting to get on my nerves with this. But why does everyone have to root for the underdog? is it they desire change because thier life is crap? Is it just some stupid human desire to see someone who has not trained as hard or as long to win? is it that we want to be able to say that everyone we don't like is evil and the underdog is fighting for us? Then also who really is the underdog anyway? Do you cheer for Lex Luthor to defeat Superman? No we do not! Maybe that is self preservation though.
But why do we cheer on the guy that only got to where he is not because he was able to back stab everyone else that was better than him in the first place?
Examples of these things are mostly seen in sports. Like most recently the Superbowl. I wanted to see history happen by the Patriots making history by finishing off a tuff but otherwise undefeated season. But many people only wanted to see the Giant win soley for the fact to see the Patriots lose. Not that they were Giant fans all year, or that ultimatly the Giants were a better team. They just wanted the Giant to win just to see the Patriots loose. The Patriots who had worked hard all Season long to win every game. To do everything right on the field, and proved they were one of the best teams ever in football history.
Other examples of this I have seen have been in most every sporting event. Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, and even in the Olympics. But Sports is not the only place it is seen. Buisness is also a place where we cheer on the underdog. Not because the ultimatly bring us a much better product. But because we feel the Big corperation has done well for too long and needs to be de-throned.
I see this mostly in Game forums myself. Most notably recently is many game geeks that Bash Sony, then Microsoft, But all praise Nintendo. Now I will admit that Nintendo is not an evil company. But they are not a saint company by any means. You might read my review on Nintendo. Mainly the Nintendo Wii. Although it is a ok system. I still see why it should be the underdog. It is a bad console compared to the the PS3 and the Xbox 360. They gave you a reboxed gamecube with another crapy controller. But people defend the Wii as if it was thier own child. saying things like Nintendo did not want to compete with Microsoft or Sony, Or Nintendo does not care about graphics. This is all a lie in my opinion for Nintendo because they tanked with the Gamecube and the N64 was not much better. Nintendo did not want to compete with Sony or Microsoft because the cannot compete with them. Nintendo only success has been in the handheld market for the past 10 years. Thier Consoles have been lacking. and so have thier games with those consoles. That is why you see a new Mario Kart and Mario game each time. Those are the only games they can do right each time. But We in the end see them as the underdog and so we cheer them on. Praise them for thier short commings and buy and promote thier underdone & underworked console.
So why do we Root for the underdog? They don't really do anything for us. They don't give us pride in our country, or the ability to see history in the making. They don't give us anyting consistant. I will root for someone to finish a race but not to win it. But they only give us a moment that in the end is not always the best.

March 13, 2008

Printing Printing Printing.

For anyone that Does not know. I own a small Print Buisness on the side. I wish it was a little smaller though in the fact that I have a very large Large format printer. 54" to be exact. But For the Past two days I have come across a snag. I am able to print The color just fine and the rip send it to the printer in good time.

But for the Past two days I have been trying to print a double sided banner. I don't think that my printer likes the material or me right now it keeps bunching up and printing big black marks on the banner media. Why? because it does not like me and the banner media is too soft and is getting pushed in. Also there must be an issue with the banner media. it just wrinkles up even more in certin areas. some tape was in one area. and I am not sure of the others. But either way. I am not happy and I am done with printing it. I might just have to farm it out to someone else and take the hit because I am just burning money now.

I never want to print a double sided banner ever again. Of course I said that before and I should have ment it then.

March 11, 2008

Summer is upon us. Finally!!!

Yea! Finally warm weather is comming back to us. I have got so sick of snow for the past few months. From the mud packed wet slushy roads, and the freezing cold weather. To just the plain fact that sometimes after a little snow fall I could barely walk up my driveway to get inside much less drive up it to get into the garage. The Massive heaps of snow that we built up along with all the snow plows is finally melting away and I can actually see the road when backing out. The stores are getting parking spaces back. I have missed the sun. I know I am a sickly pale year round. But I still enjoy the ability to go outside and feel the warm sun on my skin. I Also get to go golfin now without fear of loosing my white gold ball in the snow. I only have to lose it in the sun as it flys way off course and into someones back yard. I can go hiking up in the mountains with out special snow shoes. I love the colors that come out in spring, and Finally I go go jogging outside again without all my body turning blue.

March 10, 2008

Console Comparison part 3: Sony Playstation 3

Ok Finally the Playstation 3. This is my personal console of choise. There are still some issues and challenges with this console but also some great benefits.
Hardware: The playstation 3 utilizes not only the most powerful CPU for a console but also one of the most powerful CPU's compared to any computer out there. The playstations CPU is most notably known as the Cell Processor. It uses a completly diffrent architecture from any computer out there. It is a number crunching monster of a chip. The Cell was Developed by IBM and so has a similar core to that of the Xbox360's tri core processor. But where the Cell differs is that it only has one main core and then 8 mini cores called SPE's. These processors do not have the same ability as the main core, but are much faster at crunching numbers compared to a normal core. This in turn makes the Cell much faster and makes it run much cooler and power effective. The PS3 also has the RSX processor. I will admit I do not know much about this GPU. But it also has a slightly diffrent architecture. With the Cell and the RSX combined you have a very fast console that can push alot of high end graphics. The PS3 also comes with a slot loading Blu-ray player that is now being pushed as the next disk format to follow DVD. Bluray being able to hold 6 times the data on a single layer compared to a single DVD layer. and righ now they have 50 gig disks and are working on a 4 layer 100 gig disk. In comparison a dual layer DVD is 9 gig. The PS3 also comes in two SKU's and so I will only cover the high end version. All PS3's come with blutooth and wireless as standared. The ps3 also comes with a card reader and 4 usb slots. for transfering data and the USB is used for charging your controller. The controller it's self is connected by blutooth. the controller layout is the same compared to previos playstation consoles. Although the have impemented the Sixaxis tilt controls into the controller it's self. Currently controllers being sold now do not have the rumble feature. But Sony has now started making the Dual shock 3 controller with the rumble back in it, and will be launching stateside in the next few months. Also every PS3 comes with a hard drive. Varing on size depending on what SKU you bought. All of this comes at a premium price. But compared to other products and what you are getting. It is a very good deal.

Software: This is one of the diffrences between the PS3 and other consoles. You are able to install a few diffrent types of Linux on your PS3. This makes it very close to a full blown computer. I have not installed Linux on my PS3 although I have looked into it. The Ps3 like the other 2 consoles can play movies and music directly from the hard drive. But the Ps3 has one of the best Visulizers of anything out there. if you not familiar with what a visializer is. you may haveseen it on the windows media player any time you turn on a song and see the picture react to the music. The Ps3 also like the other consoles recieves free firmware updates either by internet or if you so want to can have a disk shipped to you for a small cost. This adds the ability for more fun options to be added to your PS3 at a later date. One of these is the Program called HOME. This is the Playstation version of nintendos Mii's and Microsofts Xbox live. It gives you stunning graphics and the ability to communicate with others around the world.

Games: Sony is another Company like Nintendo that is well known for it's games. Sony has also just recently passed Nintendo for overall game Quality. Where they get those numbers is they gather all the rateings for every game a company makes or produces and gathers the average score. This does not just include Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft. But also includes companys like EA, Atari, Ubiosoft, Take Two, ect. Sony is not known for one type of game format either. They are known from raceing games to First Person shooters to Platformers and so on. It's most popular franchises show this. with games like Metal Gear Solid. Final Fantasy, Grand turismo, and Ratchet and Clank. All diffrent types of games but all that have set the standared in gameing. Sony also has some more great looking games comming to the console. Those like Little big planet and echochrome. 2008 and 2009 look to be good years for games for the playstation brand of games.

Upgrades and other: I put upgrades in this that I did not in the Other because of the Ability to change out the Hard drive in the Ps3 with a larger Laptop hard drive with out voiding the warrenty. Why would you want a larger hard drive? Media. Not only is Sony selling games online for download. But they will soon be selling the ability to download some of your favorite games and possibly movies right to the hard drive. This can take up space quickly. So if you decided that you were going to take advantage of this a larger hard drive would be a benefit.

Conclusion: For just games the PS3 is an expensive console. But if you like the playstation brand of games it is the way to go. If your looking for a blu-ray player. The PS3 is your best option in the market right now, and one of your cheaper options as it will always be updated and current to keep up witht the newer systems. The Biggest drawback to the PS3 right now is the Price being the most expensive of the consoles. Andother benefit/drawback is the web browser. The web browser is nice to have but is very limited on what sites it is compatible with. The PS3 is the console that gives you the most for your money. But if you don't have the money and don't want to wait for another price drop. You might be better off getting one of the other consoles if you know you will play some games. But I have played the other consoles and they have some great games, but I am still more satified with my PS3

March 7, 2008

Console Comparison Part 2: Microsoft Xbox360

Ok Part 2 of my console review. Next up on the Chopping block is Microsofts Xbox 360Hardware: The Xbox 360 has some fairly impressive hardware. The Processor is a tri-core power PC developed by IBM. The tripple core gives it a good boost for handeling multiple objects on your screen at one time. The Memory is well handled to keep the system from bottle necking. and the GPU(Graphics Processor) is still considered one of the best on the market. The Xbox360 also Utalizes a DVD player for playing games and watching movies. It does upconvert DVD movies to a higher resolution which is a benafit for those with a big screen T.V. And finally You possibly have a hard drive depending on when you bought the system and what SKU you have. The Xbox360 has had some Hardware Issues Thought. This is also known as the Red ring of Death. Most of them have been cleaned up or fixed in it's 2 year exsistance but it has hurt the console in consumer confidence. It also has the now failed HD-DVD add on drive. Not that it was a bad product. But many have expressed the desire for it to have been integrated into the Console it's self instead of being an externial perifial.

Games: Currently the Xbox360 has the most games out. The Xbox brand is known mostly for it's FPS(First Person Shooter) games. Although they do have many other good games. Like Dead or alive, Saints row. and Project Gothem Raceing. But the biggest hit titles for the Xbox have been it's FPS.

Most notably The Halo Franchise. Halo is one of the Best Selling franchises of all time alongside those other famous characters like Sonic, Pacman, Mario, and other big game Icons.

The Xbox Brand is also very well know for it's online system. Xbox live is one of if not the most popular online community out there. There is a small fee, But if you are an online gamer it is worth the money.

Networking: The Xbox 360 does have a ethernet port on the system but if you have a wirless network you will have to pay a premium for the seperate wireless adapter. So I would have to recommend that if you can, you will want to hardwire the Xbox 360 to your network. but another good thing about the Xbox 360 is it's ability to become a media extender on your network. Meaning that you can listen and watch all the Music & movies on you windows based PC. This is actually one of the big selling points for the Xbox besides the games.

Conclusion: The Xbox 360 has some great things to it and some not so great things depending on how you look at it. The lack of a hard drive as standared is in my opinion an downgrade for the originale Xbox. The HD-DVD not being intigrated and not used for games is also a possible downgrade to the system and potentially hurts future game development. Although that is not a definate and still has yet to be seen if it will be a hinderance or not. Most of the Xbox 360's originalle issues was Microsoft trying to beat Both Sony and Nintendo to market. Some of the features feel rushed and un-polished. But this does not take away from this being a great console. So depending on what types of games you like to play and what game franchises you like to follow the Xbox 360 is a good choise in the end.

March 5, 2008

Game Consoles comparison. Nintendo Wii

This is something that I have come to think allot about. What console is the best console. All of them have their strengths and weaknesses. We have the Nintendo Wii that is great for non gamers. Then the Xbox 360 that currently have the most next gen games and is much more powerful than the Wii. Then you have the Playstation 3 with the most powerful processor and the most recent domination on the Market with it's predecessor the Playstation 2. But I want to go into more detail on each console as I see them and who should buy them. I will Go over a new console everyday

First we will start out with the Nintendo Wii.
Hardware: This is the weakest of the current Generation of consoles. By weakest I mean the processor speed and graphics abilities. Some people have compared it to taking 2 Nintendo Gamecubes and strapping them together. Nintendo has admitted that they were not going for a more powerful console this time around. You have with it the Wii mote and the nun-chuck. You can sync 4 of them up to the system. You also have multiple accessories to connect with the Wii mote if you so desire. Nintendo has also moved up to a DVD player in this system although the console will not play DVD movies. The Wii also has a slot card reader for memory cards like in you Digital camera. All this gets you a small system that is innovative in it's controls but not what anyone would be able to call a powerful little system.

Games: Nintendo is know for it's quality control and family friendly games. Some Games of note are Zelda, Metroid, and Most any game with Mario in it. Nintendo has been called the family friendly console and also the kiddy console as many of it's more popular games are more simple and cartoonish. Not a bad thing but keeps out some of the crowd. Along with that is your Mii character that you create to play on some games. Nintendo has tried to spread it's wings a little bit with games like the Resident Evil series. But Nintendo this time around is very well know for it's mini games following the success of the Nintendo DS handheld system. The Wii does not have many games out at the moment though being that it is a New Console. But some fan favorites have come out or will be out soon for the console. Like Mario Galaxy, Zelda, And soon to come Smash Brothers and the Newest Mario Kart game. Great games for a first year console. The Wii is also Backwards Compatible with the Gamecube and has the connections for 4 gamecube controllers. So you can pull out Mario Kart DD or Super smash brothers and have a blast with the friends and family.

Internet: The Wii has a basic web browser. But it does now have a 1 time cost for you to have the ability to use it. You also have the Ability to download old Nintendo, Sega, and other older consoles games. This library of games is still currently growing. You can share your Mii with others and also participate in other online activities.

Other: Other basic things with the Wii is the Photo Manager. Allowing you to show pictures on your T.V. you can use a CD,DVD or memory card to view your photo's.

Although I do think the Wii is a fun Console. I think it lacks in longevity. The Wii is the console version of Tickle Me Elmo. It is selling really big right now, But that is to a crowd that does not normally play Video games. Nintendo did a smart thing by Setting the Price they have because they are below the competition but they are still making money. But I think Nintendo has also done a great disservice to all those that have stayed with them and have enjoyed games in the Past. I think Nintendo should have gone for a more powerful CPU and GPU in the Wii. Not to keep up with Microsoft or Sony. But to make the Wii something that will be worth owning after two years on the market. The games are fun but I find that sometimes I want more. They are dumbed down versions of what we have already played in the past, but with a new face on it and graphics that are only a slight upgrade to what we were getting last Gen. I can Recommend the Wii, but not to everyone. If you are 15 or over you are better off with the other two consoles. if you like technology you are better off with the other two consoles. But if you like big Party games or have allot of kids, The Wii is for you.

Next Up is the Xbox360


It has been a few days since I last posted anything not that I don't have alot of half finished thoughts. I have a few things for Reviews on The Current Next Gen Consoles, and I have some thoughts on Movies. Particuarally the ones in the 80's that I love. and I am thinking on doing some remanesing of some old 80's movies in later posts. But Today what has been on my mind is Innovation, Creation, and expansion for things to come.
I have always liked the idea of inventing things. But Not something tried and true and adding a thing-a-who onto it and calling it new. And I don't want to create the Next Google, Yahoo, Aol, MSN,, Search page. or Myspace, or Facebook Personale web page. I don't want to be the one to create the Next high def format on t.v.'s or something that is short term. Too many people just Regurgitate an idea and add new art to it and call it better lately. I do not agree that facebook is better or worse than myspace. it's just got a diffrent face with the same insides. It's all that internet rave that say's if you build it they will come. But I believe that it is a limited market if you create just another Myspace website. Also people will only use so many Search engins. Those markets are saturated and the big hitters have already come out swinging.
So what is one to do? We don't have to come up with something new. We just have to come up with something usefull. Myspace is usefull because it lets you express yourself and keep in contact with your friends. Google as a search engine is usefull because it let you find what you are looking for. Creating the newest T.V. would be fun but takes alot of time and money. and I don't want to be the one that just one up's the other. I want to change the Market. I want to make the world better. I don't want to create a product that makes us more lazy. Yes they might be fun but it is pointless to have a beer can thrown to you so you don't have to go to the fridge.
But I have also found you don't have to listen to the negativity of those around you. Examples of this are my dad and he is very similar to how the world reacts to these things. I had the idea almost 15 years ago to put a Hard Drive into a car and put MP3's on it. So you could take all your music with you on one disk and not carry and swap out 500 CD's. We see this hitting big time now. Hard drives are truly now in Cars and Everyone knows the Ipod craze that has hit the market. And what did my dad along with the world say to me 15 years ago? Thats a bad idea. it will never work. Get a real job where you can make money get married and make babies. I regret now that I did not go after that idea. Sure someone might have already patented the idea before that. But Who knows. I could have been the one that got in and changed the world. People might not ever remember my name but my legacy would have been started. I want to change the world. I don't care if every one knows my name and people flock to me just to catch a glimpse. I just to feel I have done something with my life. I want to know I have created something that people will use to make this world a better one.
I know I am able to do some great things. I have many talents and skills because of how I have lived my life. I am a Great Draftsman. I have come to that conlusion and I am worth what My boss pay's me and more. I am good at specking out computers. I have built computers that can still outrun computers much younger and run smoother and cleaner. I can learn about things around me faster than most. I know my learning style. I know my health and how to stay healthy. Although I know I can do better and I need to not listen to others about what I can and can't do. I just need to apply myself and come up with that Idea that I know is out there somewhere.
What I see comming in big time over the Next Few years are Touchscreens. Possibly to come take over for the Mouse someday. Also UPC or ultra portable computers and Tablet PC. This goes along with the touch screens Because most of them have a touch screen of some sort. They will replace the Laptop computer someday. Video on demand or dowloadable content. I don't know if it will ever replace full ownership. But I do think that the Rental community will be taken by storm once americans update to faster internet connections. I also think you will start to see high def. Television sales start to rapidly pick up over the next few years. You will also see alot of previously 2D programs turn into 3D, especially art Programs. There is so much that can and will happen over even the next year in technology. That if you think about it first but don't do anything about it someone else will take advantage of it.
So find what you love to do and make it even better.

March 1, 2008

Master Cleanse Day 4. ok not really

So I quit the clense yesterday around lunch. I don't think I want to do that again. To many emotional issues and stomach cramps that go along with it. I found I was really irritable. And me and angry don't go togeather well. I am liable to rip someones head off for saying Hi the wrong way if I go to long. But I feel so much better now. I had a salad. I figured I should not go to far into the realm off breaking the fast right into a tripple cheese burger and fries along with a side of heart burn. Then me and my girl. Both who dropped the fast at the same time on agreement that we were both more of a mess than we would ever like to be. We went to the gym last night did a little bit of cardio and went into the steam room. I was a nice way to end the day.

February 29, 2008

Egg and a Car do not work well

Ok so as I was getting Ready to head off to work today I got all my things ready and walked out the door to find that some jerk(that is the kind name) had thrown an egg at my car. That is not the best thing for paint or so I hear. So I decided to go wash my car and try to get the partially dried on egg goup off. Well the first car wash only took quarters and anyone that knows me knows that I usually only use my debit card. So I did not have much change. But I did have enuph quarters to start the wash. So I turned it on and proceeded to spray off my car. and in my genious I found that spraying down on the car not only helped take off some of the egg but also soaked my pants. So now I had a car with egg on it and wet pants. What a wonderful morning. I can't tell you all the wonderful and glorious things that went through my mind if I ever found the kid that had the rest of the eggs in the carton.
So now it took me so long to wash my car at the car wash that my money ran out and there was still alot of soap on my car and me with no quarters or even a dollar bill. So I hoped in my car and drove to another car wash that I knew took Debit cards. So I tried calling my boss letting him know that I was running a bit late. Finally got ahold of him on his Cell phone. Good news is that he understood and told me to take my time. He was not in the office either haveing left for a meeting early that morning and was not back at the office yet. So I siged a little bit of relief and finished washing my car.

Master Detox Cleanse Day 3

OK it is the morning and I was up and down half the might with stomach issues. I got plenty of sleep since I went to bed earlier than usual. But I am not liking day 3 although it has started out better than day 2. Of course I skipped the Salt water this morning and had the tea instead. I hate that salt water and after what it did to me yesterday I might not take it back.
On a side not along with my hunger pains I found as I was walking out to my car this morning that Someone had hit my car with an egg. That explanation will be in my next blog though.
So the Cleanse is not making me happy. I feel a little too sick and not liking the lemonade concoction anymore. The tea still does not bother me though. Not the best flavor but at least it's not making me gag when I drink it. But I am hoping by tomorrow that things will be better. that at least some of my cravings will be gone and that I will had a little happier attitude. I am planning a trip to the Gym tonight though. So hopefully a little sauna action will help clear my head.

February 28, 2008

Raise at work.

Ok A should have wrote about this yesterday. But I finally got that much needed raise at work. Although it is a good raise I was hopeing for a little bit more. I know I am worth it. But it will help me be able to start saving alot more or at all. and I have hopefully learned a valuable lesson. Ask for the raise or you will never get it. I kept hopeing that I would get the raise for months and months and I was confident to tell others what I thought about the situatioon but not my boss. I don't know why. He's not the type to rip your head off. So Now I have my raise and I will be talking to my boss again soon to get another one.

Master Clense Day 2

Ok So I have Started this master clense. I decided I should write so that I can remember in about a week or more on how Much of a sissy I am being right now.
Yesterday my first day was not bad although by the end of the day I was getting a little tired and just about everyone was offering me food. I have never desired so many diffrent types of food in my life. Pastas with a white sauce was on my mind all day long. I started off with the Salene water or as I call it "Salt water" That so far has been the most unpleasent part of this. I drank it yesterday and when they say it cleans out your systm they mean it. But Ugg it will just make you sick to your stomach. Then I started making the lemonade. That is not too bad. although I have really found the need to buy a juicer to get those lemons and limes to go into my drink and not all over my hands.
So day one ended in success. I was feeling good. Nothing wrong except for the desire for food although I was not hungry just the smells and pictures on tv were very tempting.

Day 2 has been a trial. I had the salt water this morning and after about 10 min it just came right back up. Yea!!! Now I really hate the taste of salt water!!! The lemonade has not tasted as good today either. Maybe it's because I am desireing a Root beer and a Bacon Cheese burger. Dang that Crown burger just around the corner. It tempts me so much. I Have a little bit of a head ache also. So I have decided that Day 2 sucks. Not much else except for the fact I feel sick. No specific stomach movements or hunger pains. I guess we will see what happens tomorrow.

Wish me luck. I am starting to think that this is not a clense. This is a ploy by all those that wanted to get rid of me and decided it would be best if I poisned myself.

February 22, 2008

Tech Geeks are better than I, Because they have a web site

Ok the big thing I am alyas asked by friends, family , and coworkers is always about Technology. What is the Best T.V. to get or what is a good Video card to get for thier computer. It's the Curse of a Tech Geek. But at the end of the day I really don't mind. I love talking about technology. So For the poor Sap that is dumb enuph to ask me a question. They better be ready to listen. I can go on and on about allot of diffrent things. Computers. From what is the fastest to what is the best for the money.
Then there are T.V.'s This is my most recent favorite subject. From Contrast ratio and brightness levels to brand name and screen size. Not only is Screen size important for the male ego, But why have a 24" television in a room that is the size of a football stadium.
My other Favorite Subject is Video Cames. I am Primarily a Console Gamer. And to narrow that down I am a Playstation Gamer. Sure I have played the other consoles. From the Nintendo Wii which my parents have. To the Xbox360 which two of my roommates have owned. But I always love the playstation games the most. But I will allways ask someone comming to me for advice. What games are they interested in and how much time do you have or want to play video games.
But one question I always get asked is where I have learned all this crazy stuff. Well For those of you reading this you might notice a few things on the side of my blog. Engadget and Cnet. These are two sites I would reccommend for you to go to if you want to start learning about technology. Engadget looks into the future to see what we will be getting 6 months or even possibly 10 years from now, and Cnet does alot of Reviews of current things out and give alot of detail on why it is or is not better than something else. This goes back to my title. These geeks are better than I am because they have a web site that can go to the masses. So that is where I recommend you all go for now until I have the time to learn and set up my own web site. Along with for those feeling a little more adventurious.
Of course your always free to ask me a question too.

February 19, 2008

End of a War.

This has been a short war. But Finally one side has been able to claim victory as the other has Surrendered. No blood was shed. The only shots taken were those of words, and the victor was the one that could not only get the most support from the big boys. But was the one that the people chose. Both sides have thier streangths and weaknesses. But in this episode of red vs. blue. Blue not only won the battle the won the war.
This comes off the news That I personally read this morning that Toshiba is now stoping thier production of HD-DVD players. For those who don't know why that is so important. That is because Toshiba was the company that Brought the HD-DVD product to the market. They have had some very good backers, but thier competition has been like that of the picture below. Blu-ray brought to much to the table. Sony haveing thier own Movie studios these days unlike when it was the VHS vs Beta Max days. And Also With the introduction of the PS3 having a blu-ray player built in they were able to saturate the market quickly. But really the biggest blow was when Warner Brothers. One of the largest movie companys out there pledged thier support for blu-ray. When previously they were the only Major movie studio still supporting both formats. Now I will admit I made my choise early. But that is because I am a Sony Playstation fan. So I would have bought the PS3 anyway and I only stood to benefit from having Blu-ray become the High Def media of choise. But I still stand by my choise for many reasons but the most notable one would be capasity of the Blu-ray disk. I am now going to be looking forward to seeing many movies previously only on HD-DVD now moving over to Blu-ray. Like Warner Brothers said and Toshiba with thier most recent announcement. We can Finnaly get rid of the confusion in the high def format wars and push the high def format to being a worthy predasesor to DVD.

February 15, 2008

Valentines Saved.

Just to Start out. I want to give everyone an idea of what I think Valentines is for. Valentines is for showing love to those around you. Friends, family and your significant other. Valentines is NOT as the Media put's it a time to get enguaged and buy expensive jewlery and spend way too much money on a girl because you messed up the rest of the year anyway.
So my Reason for saying Valentines is saved is a personal one. Last year I was dating someone and had the most horrible Valentines ever. We ended up not even talking at dinner and by the end of the night I was a jerk and I had ruined Valentines. Why you say? Because I didn't buy an expensive ring and make it a night to remember forever.
Well a year has passed. I have a new and much better woman in every respect. I still didn't buy the expensive ring. But I had a great conversation over a wonderful meal. That is all I wanted this Valentines. Even though both our parents have expressed the desire for me to pop the question. But I had to make it threw this Valentines. I had to see if it was the ring or if it was me that mattered most. By the end of the night I felt more loved and appriciated for who I am rather than what I stand for in someones mind.
Valentines was saved for me this year.

February 7, 2008

Ever Evolving

I have been playing around with diffrent things on my blog. Just incase people were wondering. But hopefully some of it will give people an insight into what I like to read and what I enjoy.
I think the RSS feed will be the best. I like technology and there are so many things being invented and updated on a daily basis. Maybe one day we will be able to fly to china in less than an hour and get to see the world from space while doing it. Or maybe our cell phones Will have a battery the size of a pinky nail but have 100x the power output and charge it's self. All this can possibly lead to a beautiful future. But we have to keep up to take advantage.

February 6, 2008


Ok so my girlfriends father Just offered her and her sister $1000 for the first one that gets married. Upsetting the both of them. He also offered a nice bathroom scale back in December.

Q. Why offer money to your daughters to get married?

A. Because your desperate to get them out of the house and you don't think they are whole without a wedding ring.

Q. Why only $1000? is your daughter not worth more?

A. Hey my parents would offer alot more just to marry me off.

Q. Why a bathroom scale? I have know too many girls that freak when they get on the scale. "Oh my heck I am 3 lbs overweight!!!!!"

A. No understanding of the general reactions of people. Especuially a woman.

Why the bribes? Why the desperation? Why the setting up of a competition?

Tax Refunds

I just finished all my Tax work today and realized how small of a refund I am getting. and it makes me sick. Because I know atleast 20% or more of it goes to illigal immigration and then another 20% to corrupt polliticians and yet again another 30% goes to a Greatly Flawed Scocial Security system. my my 3% that I got back will go to something I can use other than fattening some burricrats wallet. But in the end it will anyway because of sales tax.
What a wonderful system for those on the recieveing end. Don't forget that they are the ones that make the rest of the world hate us. Because when they make a big decision it's because someone else offered them more money than the other guy. Not because it's always in the best interest of the country or the world.

February 5, 2008

Review of Juno.

This is one movie when I first heard about it made me very skeptical. I thought it was going to be a total woman power movie with the guy being shown as a skum bag and something to glorify glorify all those single teen mothers out there. Because honestly that is the direction I have seen Hollywood and the World have been moving to.
Juno took a difficult subject, didn't really glorify it, But didn't make it out to be a horrible thing where the girl is the victum. They told a great story and made you laugh threw the whole thing. The feel was that of a Napolian dynomite Except for the jokes were better and you didn't have to wait ten minutes inbetween the jokes.
This story was ultimatly about hope. How we hope for the best, from our kids, our family, our friends, and others around us. But also shows this is not a perfect world but how we can still enjoy the bad or difficult times.
I am glad I was able to put aside my initial fears on this movie. It is a show worth you considering and should leave a good memory for all those who go and see it.

February 4, 2008

Irritations at Understanding

Ok I will admit I am not the most religious person out there but I still am religious and will defend my beliefs. But I have noticed some things more in the past week or two that have me at whits end. It is the innability of some religious people to understand why anyone would do something other than thier way.
First Off I am Morman. Although you will hear many arguments Saying LDS or other names depending on who you come across. I went on a morman Mission. Although I was 21 when I went not 19 like most. and I will tell you this much. Most 19 year olds out of utah are not ready. But back on track. Missions are something very pushed in the church. The 19 year old male is almost expected and in some familys threatened to go on a mission. Bribes are made, Guilt is given, arguments are had.
This brings me to one of my examples. I was reading in the Ensign the other day and came across an artical about two parents that had the "quote" problem child. Wrong friends, Bad grades, quit school. But These parents did not have a hope that thier son would one day changes his ways and come back to the church. It outright brock thier hearts that he did not prepare from birth to go on a mission. Thier entire goal in life was to have thier oldest son go on a mission. Oh how great was thier pain! How much greater was thier lack of understanding... It comes to mind where half the host of heaven has gone, So why should we expect any more.
Now I don't fault these parents for haveing hope for thier son. But I do wonder if thier prioraties are correct or more cultish. A Cult will tell you what you have to do in every single aspect of life. A church like the LDS church will give you guidelines. As Joseph Smith said and many great men have also. "Teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves."
The LDS church remindes blind following members this all the time. Do not force a decision on anyone. Let them make thier own choises in life. Teach them how it should be and then let them decide if they will follow. You might have less converts, But the ones you get will be stronger in thier beliefs and better people for it.
Next is my roommate. He is a great friend and has been for years, Bit it is sometimes his lack of ability to understand simple things or bend his beliefs to a more proper understanding of life and how it really works. The other day he asked me if I had been going to church. That to me is an ok question. But when he said I shouldn't be missing out on my religiou learning. I refrained from pointing out that sometimes the teaching has many things to be desired. Many false truths or irrelevant answers are givin by members on a Weekly if not Daily basis. But ultimatly did he really think I was not getting a religious education because I missed church one or twice in the past two months that were not related to sickness? And in the end how much does it matter. We are here to get understanding. God understands that we all learn by diffrent methods. Not all of us can read a book and understand life. Most of us have to live it in a diffrent manner. Make mistakes and learn from what we have done.
So in conclusion. If you can't understand why someone would do something. Don't make a comment saying they are Stupid. Just say you don't understand. Leave it at that. You don't know thier mind. You don't know thier life. And you might never know why. You can say you wouldn't do it personally and walk away.

January 24, 2008

believe and it will happen.

I am not one to push any one to go to school or to do anything that they don't want to or don't believe is in thier best interest, But I do believe that if you want something you have to work for it.
To give an example. There are many people that want to be in better shape. So they buy a gym membership go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week and then when they don't see a big diffrence in one or two months they give up. This is where an education can come in handy. Not because it teaches you to lift weights, but because you realize that it takes a good solid 6 weeks to start to strengthen muscle.
Back to my thoughts though. This morning I got to thinking. (I do my best thinking in the shower.) But there are so many things we should and can do in our lives to get us what we want. Like sitting up straight in our seat. I am a big time sloucher myself. But sitting up straight makes our body work harder. Our abs tighten up, our back muscles flex,and our shoulders pull back. All of this makes out body wake up. Gets our blood flowing and then we finish what ever project we are working on much faster.
But I don't think that is the only benefit. Because our abs are flexed they get a little more of a work out. We can actually make this even better if we flex our stomach off and on threw out the day. a basic tighten and release for about 5 or 10 min every hour, not including breaks. Where I believe we will see these benefits is anytime we get up and walk,jog, or run.
But this is not just a health benefit. It is also a mood booster. your abs are tighter you stand taller. making you more attractive, you feel more confident and your energy is higher. it's the basic thought of better shape better attitude. Butt sagging too much? to a few cheek squeezes during the day and no one will no the better since your sitting anyway. think your shoulders slouch too much? sit up straight and pull them back a little. people will just think your into your work.
This will hopefully get to the point where you will look in the mirror like we all do. But instead of thinking I need to go to the gym more. you will just figure out a better way to stand or sit while doing your work. all while training your muscles to do what you want them to do.
Finally to finish this off. we have all heard a saying like "Fake it untill you make it" or "Believe and it will happen" These can be true. want to make more money. put a toe in the water and let your imagination fly you will make more money doing what you love than anyother way because you will work harder on it and that will make you better at it faster and you will gain alot of expierience along the way.

January 22, 2008

Struggles with life

Lately I have been feeling like I just can't keep up with everything going on in my life. I have work, my family, my friends, and my girlfriend. I think the only two I have paid attention too is the first and the last on that list.
My youngest sister is haveing a little boy with in the month. But when people ask me her due date I have no clue. If I don't live with my friends I am having a hard time keeping in touch. Especially my best friend who now lives in florida basically on the other side of the country but some days seems on the other side of the world because of it.
But then the things I am keeping in touch with the most are my girlfriend and my work. I don't mind my girl but my work is too much for too little. I love my job though, and it gives me so much more variety than I have had in the past at other jobs in this field or others.
Maybe one day I will be able to catch up but right now it just feels like when I get one thing done I am handed another 10 things to do.