December 22, 2015

I cannot support a political party anymore.

As I have grown in both machurity and calmness I have come to the point where I cannot support one party or individuals. 
Sure I still consider myself a conservative. But I will not go further into being a Republican, tea party member,  or libertarian.  I cannot identify with them. But I agree with many of their ideals much of the time.
I do not support the liberal society.  But I can appreciate a few of their ideas. I believe they are a caring group.

But I believe many on both sides are misguided.  Many of them will fight with each other over something they agree 90% on. But they hate eachother over that 10%  and I am tired of the useless fighting.

What I want is more understanding and less demanding.  What I want is to take the true needs of both sides and the true strengths of both side and find a way to make those happen.
I want to stop the fighting and pointing fingers over who did it wrong or better. I want to stop looking for faults. I want to not look for the negative in everything.

December 2, 2015

Sad days

Sad to hear about the shootings in Sam Bernardino.  This is a tragedy.  Of course this has already been turned into a political event asking for more laws. We must first as a country enforce our current laws. Because adding more laws just means we will enforce those laws less if at all.
I only ask that as a country, that we ask our politicians to enforce our current gun and immigration laws.
Then if truly we need better gun laws and immigration reform we will know better of what is really needed.
What we also need is the laws of this country to be simplified. We need the laws designed so that the average person can quickly understand them without needing to have a business, law, medical, financial and engineering degrees to have any clue what is going on.

May 29, 2015

Missing the one that left.

I have been thinking a lot recently about my ex wife. Being an ex husband is something I never wanted to be. 
Communication on both sides was our biggest fault. Both for different reasons, but neither a good explanation for why we are where we are.
I was angry and frustrated when she said she wanted to separate.  I had gone through many personal issues that I was trying to overcome.  I was getting better and being a better man.
But now I find myself nearly two years later still thinking of her every day. I think very fondly of her even though I know all her faults. I still want to talk to her and see her every day. But I have not heard back from her nor do I expect to hear from ever again.
I write in this because I know very few or if anyone ever reads it anyway.  I also just don't want to hear again how I should move on and get over her. But I also want to vent. I need to let this silently but publicly out.
I do miss her. I would take her back in a heartbeat.  I have girls I currently talk to that I would cut off all contact with if she wanted to be with me and only me again. But do I honestly think that will happen? No. She has moved on and I am the one who has not. Sure I have dated. Sure I have done things with friends and family since then that I have found joy in life. But that does not mean that she has ever left my thoughts or heart, no.
But life is not fair. Not only does life make things hard. We as people make things even harder on ourselves and others. We do selfish things. I did that and she did. We give up so easily on things that mean the world to us. This only makes us sad.
I don't want to be sad. I want to be happy. I am going to do the things I know I need to do to be happy and that does not always include others getting their way. I don't need to be selfish, but I need to stop being a push over and so dependant on others.