December 2, 2008

Be Still My beating Heart

Ok Looking on the Web today I saw something that made my heart go pitter patter. And of all things a game. But not just any game a game that includes action. and adventure unlike many I have ever seen in the past. A game that brings me back to the days when Indiana jones was at his peek. and Laura croft tomb raider was all the reage. It took concepts from the two and combined them togeather and then added alot of it's own personality to make one of the greatest games of 2007.

This is one of those games that can bring everyone togeather. Those that don't like to play will still love to watch this fun and very interesting story. My Girl Cassie Belle although not a big fan of video games loved to watch and has even played some. It is one of very few games that I have played threw multipule times. The scenery is Beautiful. Running threw the game is litke looking at a painting. I almost wished at times I could have had a camera in the game to take pictures of some of the sunsets. Then at the end of the game I felt like I was saying good bye to old friends.
Pictured above are the two of the friends in the game Nathan who is the main charater and Sully who is his partner in crime. The personalitys of these two is unlike any other game I have seen. they banter back and forth and you get the feeling these two digital characters really have known eachother for a long time.

So if you have not played Uncharted Drakes Fortune. I would highly recommend it. You will laugh, Cry, Jump with both fear and joy. You will be able to walk away with the feeling of watching an indiana jones movie for the first time. You will feel like you did when you walked out of George Lucas or Stephen Speelburgs older movies. You know before they got old and lost the desire to push the limits and the need to prove themselves. This is one of the great games to have been made.

And now to move onto the Reason for this post. The reason my heart jumped. The reason I am so excited. The sequal to one of the greatest games made. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves