February 25, 2009

Sean Penn... My Children will not be ashamed of me!!!

     I am sick and tired of the gay community and the accept everything I do mentality!

   I do not have to accept you. Same as I don't have to accept everyone as my friends. It does not mean I will attack you. It does not mean that I will rip into your lifestyle. But it does mean I will stand up for what I know is right, when you try to force the opposite upon me.
   Where I get upset with Sean Penn. Is in his Oscar Speach where he said those who voted against gay marriage. There children will be ashamed of them. Well if my children are ashamed of me for believeing that marriage is between a man and a woman. Well then My children are wrong and this society that is very quickly spinning out of control would be to blame. 

   We do not have the right to make a choice but not pay the consiquences. I can't drive my car off of a cliff and expect not do die or get hurt real bad. I can't decide to drink bad milk and not expect to get sick off of it. I cannot get caught speeding, Admit that I was speeding and then expect the Judge to let me go with out paying for it in some way shape or form, just because she feels sorry for me. 

   Marriage is between a man and a woman. Sean penn and alot of the hollywood liberals do not seem to know this. But marriage is not just that. Marriage is the start of a family. Start of your family. Sure married couples sometimes adopt. But that is an option or in some cases the only choice after the natural options have been tryed and failed. Gay and lesbien couples cannot produce a family. They can be part of one. I am sure they can be loving parents. But just because they hear the word marriage does not mean that they know what it is and it does not mean they are entitled to it.

   Recently there was a news article that a 9 year old girl dieing of cancer married her 7 year old boyfriend. Alot of people say this is cute, or sweet. The courage of a child with cancer. But these 2 children do not understand what love is. They only know that thier parents are married and that others get married when they find the one they love. Maybe one day Sean Penn will also say that my children will be ashamed of me because I would not let them also get married when they are inbetween the ages of 7 to 9. 

    I will really be a horrible father. I mean how dare I! I will not let children get married. I will never agree to gay marriage. I will not be the one responsable for this worlds currupt behavior. the self destruct mode that we are in. I will no more contribute to the poison of society.

    Now I do agree that the Gay community should have some civil rights and the church has given a statement that I agree with. Things like the ability to go see loved ones.  Recieve health and tax benifits. But the word marriage is a holy one. and should not be tained. 
   As I was looking up the LDS churches stance on gay marriages and civil unions. Most of it was filled with Anti-Mormon, greater than though, gay and lesbien bigots. But one I read was a guy claiming to have been in the church for 30 years.  Gone on a mission, went to BYU, ect. You know they type.  He possibly was a know it all ASS then, and he has continued it now, just outside of the church at this time.  It is his goal to indocterinate all us LDS morons in the error of our ways. I am sure just as he found it his duty on his mission and in his church and work. Before ailinating everyone because he "Found the Truth about the LDS church!!!" his Blog is riddled with anti-mormon conspiracy theories. All of wich only have a fraction of truth mixed in with lies and speculation. might I add,. Just like the Gay community protesting the church with thier false doctorines and fabrications.  

This is what I wrote to him. I decided it best not to post it on his blog because it would only send him in an even further in his downward spiral hate for mankind.   

You may have spent 30 years in the church. Gone on a mission. Done all the so called church things. But you never truly understood what the church is all about. Your comments on the church are unfounded and shows your pure blindness to it. You need to re-educate yourself. 
Marriage is not a right. The church is not against the civil unions of gays and lesbians. They should have many civil rights. If your really interested in it. You should go look up the churches official stance. Also It was not in Utah that the law was past. It was in California. The Gay community is just as prominent as the LDS community. So this means more people agree with the LDS meaning of marriage than The Gay community meaning. Also, Do we not have the same right to speak out against gay and you and the Gay community have to speak for it? Do you not respect others opinions? Do you hold yourself above others? Are you a better than me? or in this case. Are you a better than president Hinckley was? I think not. I am sorry in your self pity that you decided to leave the church. But it was always said that those that leave the church will be the ones to fight the hardest against it. You justify your deeds by saying the church is wrong and you are right. You will one day realize that you are wrong. Do you know what the church will do on that day that you come crying and crawling back to them. They will accept you with open arms.

In conclusion. Sean Penn. You need to get off your high horse. Your children and your childrens children will pay for the atrocities you peddle. You recieved your votes for an oscar because of your 
portrayal of a gay man. Not for your ability to act.

The Gay community, Leave me alone. Do not try to force your ways upon me 
or others. You will meet resistance and if continued hatred. neither of which
you are looking for.


to the comment.

I am not ashamed because the church sends millions of dollars in aid to the poor. I support a church that gives to those in need. I am in support for a law that was voted on before by the people in California that a judge illegally overturned. So they voted on it again and took back their rights. I am in support of people "being divorced" if it was illigal in the first place. I support those that fight for thier right. I do not mind if the gays fight for rights as they do have that right. But Marriage is not a right. The supporters of gay Marriage do not know what marriage is about they are a bunch of bleeding heart, give everyone what they want and don't deserve cry babies. 
If your child is gay, you should turn your back on them. But if you don't like it. It does not mean you have to support them in it. I do not support gay marriage, I have that right. Gays and liberals would take that away from me if they could so so that they can get what they want.
I will not and cannot tolerate gay marriage. It goes against everything natural. Gays are only allowed to adopt and start a family because we as a society allow girls to become mothers at 14. We as a society teach ourselves not to be a family.
The church in its statement about gay Marriage said they were not anti-gay but pro family. Gay people will try to use this pure term against them. But at the heart of it. A gay couple is not a family. They cannot naturally start a family. You do not truly get both sides of the family. I do not say that gay people are or would be bad parents. In many cases they are possibly better parents to an adopted child than the ones that gave them up. But that does not give them the right to marriage. Otherwise we might as well let all the pedofiles, animal lovers, children, ect. Get married also. Because once Gays get the right one or all of those will be next. Everyone has an agenda. Not just the gays or the blacks or the liberals, or any other group. I stand for my rights. The rights that this country gave me. I am ashamed of anyone that sheds their beliefs to make someone happy. I am ashamed of those that consider themselves religious but still support this cause. I am ashamed of they gay community for being so selfish. Spending all this time and money to make gay marriage legal. When there are starving children that they could help. I am ashamed of those that will try to take away my rights and try to tie my tounge so that they can pass a law that very little of the people in this country support and then they attack me when I do or say anything. I am ashamed of those that try to call me a bigot because I do not believe in thier cause. Shame, Shame, Shame on you all.

February 20, 2009

Paying for and Planning a wedding? I have no good advice.

    Ok so recently I got enguaged to a wonderful woman. We are now getting married in june. 

   Now comes the hard part. I always heard of all the fun things about weddings. Especially the wedding night! Wink Wink. But I have not ever seen in any of the wedding movies the part where you feel like your pockets are empty and your sanity dropping like a rock. I know what is going threw my head. So I feel Sorry for my fiancee Cassie, Because she has the hard end of the deal. Traditionally the Man just has to show up to where the soon to be bride tells him to. She Gets all the inital stress I guess you would say.
But now where my pockets begin to feel empty. I did not realize that everyone else in this country that gets married was so rich. I mean honestly after a ring and a honneymoon. I figure I will have to mortgage my house that I have not bought yet.  People throw the word thousands out there, like it is nothing. "Oh how much is this?" says I. To which they reply "Oh only a few thousand." I usually turn pale and have to catch myself before I faint. I hope that is how most guys feel, so that I can say that I am not that big of a dork. Also I hope that I hide it well. I know cassie is trying to keep things resonable. 

Oh I am driving myself crazy.

     So recently I have been looking all over the internet for cheap deals on anything I might want. Recently I have found a auction website called Swoopo.com. I just tend to watch it. I have seen some people get really good deals and others I think got screwed. But I just keep watching . thrying to see if I can find a pattern. Something that will help me to get that really good deal before I jump in head first. 
I have found so far that you need to watch it like a hawk. You need to find the things you want. Do not just bid on everything. Early mornings seems to be a good time. But you have to be willing to spend some money before you even get the deal. Swoopo charges $0.75 each bid. Then if you win you pay what ever the price was when you finally win. Sometimes it in extremly cheap. Othertimes I have noticed that people are paying the same price or more as if they went to a store.
So I sit and wait. Hopeing I will find that place to bid. that I will make a great deal and win a great prize. Oh how I am driving myself insane. I better get back to it though. I have to find out all the otherways I have nissed out on something expensive for a cheap price.

February 18, 2009

Not everyone is alike.

    I have been looking over the past few months and years to my life and I have noticed one thing that almost everyone seems to have in common. They think everyone should be like them. 
I will explain.

    I don't drink. I have sipped a few differen drinks out of curiosity and have decided that it is in no way for me. I hate the taste, I do not like the places you have to go to get the "Good Stuff" and I don't like the lifestyle. But I don't mind that someone else decides to drink, as long as they do it responsibly. But I have been told my many a drinker that I have just tried the "Wrong drink" and they always will recommend a different one. Which I will reply with "I am just not interested" But always they will just say I have tried the wrong drink, It was mixed wrong, you tried the wrong brand.  But in the end I know it's just, I do not like it. it is not for me. 
    But this is not just to the drinkers or "Worldly People". Religion does it also. one of those is that if you don't see something as a miracle. You see it as good people, Good luck, or anything else. Not that you deny there is a god. Just that you don't think he controls everyone like a puppet. We all struggle with prayer, to which someone always answers with something like "You don't pray right". I have been guilty of this myself being of the mind that most people are lazy and want things given to them. It is not right of me to say, but sadly I do. 
    Being LDS, I also hear allot about the temple. I do not hate the temple. I have liked to go. But there are some things that have made me UN-easy in the past. The typical response I have heard is. "You just have to go more often." Or "You did not go in with the right frame of mind." All these answers are the same answers a drinker will give me.  Just worded differently. If I do not like something. Is that not my choice anymore. If I feel out of place or have a distaste for something that is my choice. 

   Most people accept that I do not like tomatoes. Why can't they accept that I don't like some temple ordnance. Or that I just do not like to drink alcohol. Why can't the atheist accept that I believe in god. why cant democrats accept that I think government should have a much smaller roll. Why cant the rich and the poor accept that the other is not a snob or lazy trash.  My thought is, They want you to be like them.  They want you to just accept and love everything they do. Being different to people is considered bad.