June 22, 2014

You are who you are.

I am going to try to tackle a difficult topic. It is a big social issue that many try to understand but many do not. Many try to make excuses or exceptions to the rules to justify what they have done or are doing.

But first I would like to go after what the world expects of us and what is fair and what is not. Many of us are born with a personality all our own. But because of the world we are expected to act a certain way. This may be that only girls play with dolls and boys play sports. But It goes deeper than that in many ways. Not all boys have to be ruff and rugged or need to fit a specific roll. This goes the same for a girl. They do not have to be dainty little princesses. The World has pushed this expectation upon us. The likes and dislikes of children can vary greatly and to children it does not matter, they are just having fun. But because of the way we as parents and adults have lived we see it in other ways and try to assign that child into a class of people. We do not see them as individuals but as a collective group. Some parents fight this grouping way too much and end up pushing the child away. Others encourage it way to much thinking they are being supportive. It is the social stereo types that we as people have grown up with.
 Of course as parents we are to teach our children. Otherwise some children might not make it past the age of two. But what we are suppose to teach them is about common knowledge of the world around us. Fire burns, Ice freezes, falls hurt, But we should refrain on putting extras into our teaching. If we push someone in a general direction we are teaching them our habits and not letting them create their own. But for us that is the hardest thing to do. We want to pass on our knowledge, this is natural and in many ways I encourage it. But we have to limit it to the right time and moments in all situations.
   Next I would like to tackle the topic of love. This is something the world has very much corrupted. More importantly we all hear the word "Love" and we automatically think of something. The world expects us to think of sex when we hear about love. and it Pushes that on us with commercials and ads in magazines, Freeway signs, TV, the internet and more. The world does not want us to think of love without the word sex attached to it. Sure other ideas are allowed in. But the world tells us that love does not exist without sex. This is false, as any parent of a new born child will tell you. But the world tells us that if we love someone then we must want to have sex with them also. This once again is false. But causes many issues for people in their lives.
  Next would be what many call sins. I more importantly want to call out vanity, greed and selfishness. Many of us would argue that we do not have these faults. or we have not made decisions off of these faults in human nature. This I would also have to say is false. Many religious people have made decisions based off of these traits and wars have come from it. They are the bain of society and religion. Many people blame religion for what was actually caused by these sins. We are told to stay away from sinning because truthfully only bad will come from it.
   Now onto my main topic. gender and sexual assignment. yes I am wrapping the two together because they come from the same place. They are created by a society that does not understand. They are created by a world that assigns people to a mold because as a child they did something. they are created by sin, because of the vanity, greed and selfishness of the world. Now they are not doing anything wrong as they see it. They are being exactly what the world has told them that they are. But they perpetuate the issue with saying that nature made them this way or that nature made a mistake. They let sin run their lives. Of course they do not like me saying sin because I am now suppose to worry about their feelings. But that is the truth of it.
But they did not do this all themselves. This comes from sins of generations. We allow little seeds of sin into our thoughts on a daily basis. Sins are tempting to us. they make many promises to us of great things. But they do not tell us bout the heart ache that will come from it.
 But also many gender and sexual assignment people say they are not happy. It is because they have not been taught what happiness is. So they search for it. this is not a bad thing that they are searching. Many religious people have failed and many religions have failed to do the right thing and show compassion and love. These two things are what people need. But sadly many find anger coming from those of religion. So they run into the hands of someone that will accept them. Someone that will not tell them no. They are told that sex is natural and that humans are sexual creatures. I cannot argue with this. But then the lie seeps in. The mold of the group that has been created by sin. The vanity, greed and selfishness. where they are told they will not be happy unless they...
    This has been now seeped into areas it previously was not. more importantly it has seeped into the core of human nature, The family. The world has been turned upside down by these things. Family values in a worldly manner has changed. This will ultimately fail but not until after irreparable damage has been done. For the world we cannot stop this from happening. But for our families we have a chance. We have to fight the bad coming in and teach good basic principles.
This ultimately veered from what I had originally intended for this post. But ultimately I believe that it has gone to a better place. the place were true good change can happen.

February 11, 2014

A smart man admits he knows nothing.

I have been thinking a lot recently about the reprocusions of what we do. You see the results of others decisions through out history. we have had wars because of poor choices and saved lives because of well thought out ones.
What I have noticed is that much of the world. But from my view point America does not take into account the full reprocusions of a decision. We fight for things because we think the world has to be fair. This is not how things work. This is not how the world work. This is not how the universe works. Are you going to complain that there is no air in space and that it is so cold that you have to wear a special suit. Or are you going to accept that this is how things work.
When you look at the how the native americans reacted during war or even during the hunt it was not a joke or purly about personal and individual gain. It was about family and protecting the land. There was no political correctness to keep them from hurting someones feelings. it was always about respecting the earth. Even during the Hunt the native Americans gave thanks to the animal for giving its life.
As a world we do not understand that anymore. There are specific groups that still understand this to a point. But for us to become greater we need to work to respect the earth and more. No this does not mean we have to be hippies. But it does mean we need to take a wider view of what our choices make happen. You sneezing could easily be what triggers the next hurricane that kills thousands. Now this is not something that you can know for sure with our current knowledge. Maybe we will never know. But things like doing things to make a dollar. Why? What does money mean in the whole scheme of things. What are you doing to make things better. Are you making decisions based on making a quick buck or are you making decisions that will make the world a better place not only for you but for many generations to come.
This is where I will get political. Does our current American government have our long term interests in mind. In some cases, Yes, but in most cases No. We encourage people to do very little with thier lives. We should support our own in times of need. But we need to ket them provide for themselves.
The anchient proverb of give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Our current mentality does not support teaching a man to fish. Even our current educational system fails horribly at this. We do not teach for all the different personalities. We do not take into account all the different kinds of people. Yet they charge all sorts of amounts that drive people into uncontrollable and unessicary debt. Schools provide information you can get for free in many other places if not just a whole :ot cheaper. Then they charge thousands of dollars for your fishing licence after you already bought all the fishing equipment and in many cases you had to teach yourself since the teacher was not there or just didnt care.
We need to change our view of the world and universe. We need to take others into account. Not because of hurt feelings and political correctness. But because it is the best for all of us.

February 7, 2014

America the not so great country anymore.

When I was growing up I always heard how great America my homeland was. I always believed this when I was younger. We had our greatest generation that not only lived during 2 world wars. But they also survived the great depression. We also have the baby boomers that have made our countrys econamy so strong during the 80's and 90's. But even though we have made great progress in technology. We have not kept pace with the rest of the world. We have failed our children. We have been self serving and greedy. We have lost touch with the world and our country.
Politicians seems to fight over who is more in touch with which group. Just today CNN pushed that the GOP is not in touch with wemon needs. Have we ever thought that the wemon are not in touch with what a woman should be. Have we lost the truth of what a family should be. Have we lost in this country what a father and mother should be. We have gays fighting for the right to marry. When this country is going down in every bracket that is tested. Why are we listening to these arguments that only cause contention.
I will tell you why. Greed, selfishness, arrogance, ignorance, etc.
If we want this country to become great again. We need have a mentality shift. We need to chnge on our wants and concentrate on our needs. This is something for the past year I have been trying to change. Some have supported me, others do not want to say I am making the right choices. But at the same time they admit they have seen my growth in good ways.
As a country we need to change. We need to vote those into government that will fight to make this country great. Give us chances to make our lives better and not say we all are the same. Some people just work harder and smarter. We need to stop voting for those or even giving power to those that are only willing to say things that they never intend to do. That only give us words to get us excited and leave us flat. We need to stop asking others to do things for us. We need to do things for ourselves.