September 30, 2023

prepare for many scare Tactics in 2024

2024 is going to be a crazy year, and the Democrats are gearing up for the fear mongering early. It's just the way they can have you watch one hand and ignore the other. 
They have already rigged the DNC election with blocking RFK. He can't campaign in some states. He has been denied secret service. Even though he has shown multiple threats against him. 
The DNC did the same election rigging to Bernie sanders for the past two elections. 
So we already know the DNC Riggs, its own elections.  
The Democrats do rigg primary elections, both presidential and state. 
With the many indictments against Trump the past year. They are actively working to make it impossible for him to run. They are even making up rules on the spot to try to stop him from running. So while they try to call Trump childish, thier actions of constantly changing the rules for their own benefit is very childish behavior.  
Now they are craying Russia Russia Russia. It is the start to a scare tactic they use. 
They will use their Ukraine war to pass along propaganda to us. They have kept the Ukraine war going just to have a reason to talk about it and blame Republicans when ever possible. But also put those connections to Russia interference always looming.
I believe in late 2024 you will see the Ukraine war resolved so that Biden can claim victory. It will look good to the voters and will be desined to make Biden look competent and strong. 
Nothing when it comes to the Democrats is reality right now. They are very much working to design your reality,  and their reality will lead to your oppression and mass poverty in 2025 if they keep power. 
So prepare for a crazy 2024. 

September 14, 2023

Government is our problem

So many people complaining about where the money is. But asking government to take a bigger roll in everything.  
Problem is the bigger government gets the bigger our problems get. 
We all have seen the stories. Some big company gets into financial struggle.  Suddenly the government comes in and pays off their debts.  
Well problem is, that is tax money, the people's money. 
Then you have people saying the government should help the people. Things like socialism.  But that always throughout history has ended in poverty and government collapse.  
What we really need is just a government that is basically a referee. They only give us the rules and make sure we play nice together.  They take a very limited role in the game. They do not give one side extra points if they fall behind.
Small government. Designed to help society grow and flourish. Where we the people make sure everyone is taken care of. That is why we have charities.  They are not designed to make people rich. But to help those in need. 
When government gets out of the way and just gives us basic rules to follow, society thrives. 
When government gets big. Society gets selfish. We get division and poverty. Poverty increases crime rates. When government gets big new crimes are made avaliable to break and people will break them. 
Our tax system is designed to keep us in poverty. Income taxes are an unfair tax on the people. They take a large chunk of your income to make government waste. 
Social security has proven its self to be insufficient and very poorly ran. Always being told there is not enough money. All this done by government. 
On top of that. Why do we have to fill out or taxes every year? Because government made a deal with some very big companies that make billions every year off us paying taxes. 
The system has been broken by the very people we voted in. The system as been broken by our votes. 

September 3, 2023

A Culture of broken Women

I do believe our current culture encourages and also celebrates broken women. 
Many of us possibly have heard how many women get into the porn industry. Generally it is them having a bad life. An abusive parent or parents. Generally a drug addiction comes into play. This leads to a bunch of other bad habits. If they don't die quickly it leads to habits that just are looking for attention. Which the porn industry provides plenty at a price. 
But now we see this spread to things like Onlyfans. Where women believe they are empowering themselves. Often showing highly suggestive things for a price. But I have also seen a few videos where those same women say they hate the men they talk explicitly to. 
But we now go another step down. Where young women, often still young teens, are feeling they are supposed to send explicit pictures to young men. All in hopes that some young men would like them. 
But all of this does nothing for society.  It actually tears it down. It encourages bad behaviors and only makes for bad relationships.
It's does nothing to help young men or older men to think of women of anything other than an object to play with. It makes women just the new shiny toy to be cast aside when it becomes too old and boring or a new toy comes along.
That society feeds off a strong trait that men like a visually pleasing woman. But also teaches men nothing. 
It teaches men to always move on and not truly care for women. It teaches women that men are just easy cash and a easy way to be pampered for a short while. 
It's a part of society that has pushed for abortions. So that women can still be promiscuous with no regrets. Not able to create those deeper human bonds with a new child. Also that she had no boundaries with a man. So one of them got bored and left. 
It teaches both genders to have no self respect. To not set boundaries with themselves or with others. Which in turn teaches self hate.
It causes emotional damage and always encourages us to pass blame onto someone or anything else. 
There are also many that celebrate it. Calling it "Women's empowerment" or even "Women's rights" many many parts of society have been corrupted by this virus. 

Many are now coming out to fight against it. But this war will be a long one. It has destroyed much of our society.
We have both Males and Females walking away from each other. Both pointing fingers at the other. Both blaming the other. Blaming the other for not doing enough or demanding too much. 
Both sides need to fix it. But we have to get the correct information to people. 
We have to teach men to be good men. We have to teach women to be good women.
We have to stop using Sex as a marketing tool. A tool to get easy money and temporary pleasure.
We have to re-learn as a society on how to gain deeper emotional connections. Connections deeper than the surface levels we currently subscribe to. Deeper connections that make it so a lifelong relationship not only can happen, but allows both sides to thrive. 
Deeper connections that will allow both when they intimately connect, not only be physical but also mentally and spiritually beneficial.
Their are couples that have that connection. They are the ones that should be praised and emulated. They are the ones we should learn from until it permeates society. That it becomes more natural.  That those ways are how we raise our children. 
It is then and only then, that humans can reach that next level of our evolution.