January 27, 2013

Gun Control?

One of the hot button topics right now is gun control. I should disclose that I am currently a range designer for a large range design and targetry company. I do not personally own a gun but I do not have a problem with a responsible adult owning one.

The bog argument right now on the capital is that we get rid of assault weapons. This is a knee jerk reaction to some more recent and sad shootings around the country. Now of course all the gun toting nut balls are going to come out and defend their right to have guns in their home. In this case I believe that they are right. Although they are not always the most eloquent in how they make their arguments.

Of course you also have all the other nut balls on the other side of the gun control fence come out during these arguments also. Usually they are the liberals that have to stay hidden in the shadows because of their unpopular extreme views. But in either case we see both of the bad people on both sides of the isle come out during these big gun control debates.

Here is my argument. We go and blame guns for these violent crimes that are committed. We do not blame society ever, we only shortly lay focus on the person that actually committed the crime. and we jump right to the gun being the culprit. This is a flaw in our thinking as a society. We jump right to the final second of the whole crime. Usually our view is much much wider. But when a gun is involved we blame the tool not the person. If in many of these cases people had been shot with a crossbow or even blown up with a bomb we would be looking for the group that made the bomb or blame the person that shot the crossbow. But not so in the case of the gun. We get so intensely focused on guns that we push everything else aside.  

But that brings up another point. If we did not have access to guns, criminals would find other ways, many times even more horrific ways to kill someone. I will not name any more types of tools used for murder but I am sure many of you can think of one or more right off the top of your head. All of them easily accessible for your standard psychopath or angry child. If you take away guns something else will be found.

Now I do not have every answer. we cannot stop every criminal from doing something that hurts us. just as in day to day life you cannot make others decisions for them even though we so want to. But do we really want to take on someone else s problems? I know all my problems and I do not need to take on more or even would be able to handle more. But what we can do is be better people ourselves. we can be better examples to all of those around us and learn the good of everything. not just your side or point of view. but everything. Then we can share with others our knowledge and they have the choice to take it or not into their lives.

How many times have we got mad at someone for something simple. someone cuts you off in traffic. we get upset or mad at family members all the time. life is not easy nor is it on rails. we have to make choices and we flow all over the place while we are doing it. "Paying it forward" is our best option. doing something for others. If you hate guns but have never shot a gun before. Go to a shooting range and try it. (yes you might just be supporting me in my job.) but you will also learn something about guns and gun enthusiasts. that you might not have know before.

As for "Gun Control" it begins in the home. It is taught by parents to their children. Respect a gun. Lock up the gun. Use the gun for protection of others. A good gun owner is someone that not only likes to shoot a gun but also knows how to take care of that gun as it is a very powerful tool of both good and bad.

Gun control is not for the federal government. If you can't pass a budget of any sort and you still think you deserve a raise. You should not be in control of many things. Gun control is one of them. Our federal government along with many others have lost sight of how we can be great and decided to look at little pointless things that do little to nothing for us as a country in the long run.

Gun control and limitations do not help this country. guns are the end of the line to a long string of events. We need to go deeper into our issues as a country. We need to find why this country cannot get along and why everyone is getting so angry. Intolerance, anger, greed, ignorance, etc. are problems we need to be facing. when we fix those guns will stop being the problem.