November 23, 2009

Double Thanksgiving.

So this is my first year Married, and this is my first holiday season not being a bachelor. Not that I have been single for the past 2 years. Just not everything is official and recognized by the state. So some of the hiccups of all of this is the fact that I have two sides to my family. My side and the wifes side. I got it off easy for thanksgiving this year since some of my family is not going to be in town this year. So we got to have a big thanksgiving meal over at my brothers house with his family and my parents. We ate allot and are heavier for it. Then thanksgiving day we will be with Cassie's family.
This will be a good year for us. Next year we will have a whole new mess since both family's are so close and and of course both of us get along with our families we will be all over. So hopefully next year our financial status will be better than it is this year so that we can afford the gas from driving all over town.
But it feels good to have started into this holiday season. I have found that I am enjoying the thought of having 2 thanksgiving meals on two separate days. That way I get to enjoy both families cooking and I don't have to conserve my stomach for another big meal later that day.
Happy holidays to everyone.

November 9, 2009

Family Fun.

Well I was just thinking. I love spending time with family. It's fun to kid around with them. Laugh with them and like all your other friends, it's fun to just be around them. Even if it's the most boring movie in the world you will get something out of it. Even if it is an inside joke that no one else will ever understand. I have always had that with my family. I love all my siblings. My brother Josh has always been my caretaker. My sister Genny has always been my workout partner even if it's 300 miles away, and my sister Jaime has always been my voice of reason.
Well now I have more family. Over the past Few weeks I have been able to hang out with my two new sisters, or more to the fact Sister-in-laws. We have painted pumpkins and watched movies and done all sorts of fun things. Although I do not yet fully know what roles they will play in my life I know that they will.
Ha! Now if only I can get them to play more video games with me. Love you all.

October 26, 2009

Cycle of life.

I was talking to my wonderful wife yesterday about one of my thoughts on life. I believe everything runs in cycles. in general you will see the full outcome of something not right after you are done but after a period of time. I consider this period of time to be generally in 7's. I do not think you will see what a president has done until 7 years after. Most recent is the Republican supported but Democrat endorsed and President Clinton signed housing bill that is one of many reasons for the current economic struggles. But also on that is it has been 7 years since 9/11. We lost many brilliant minds that day and I believe we are paying for it now.
So why do I think this happens? I don't think it is an act of God in general. Maybe in some way it is. But this would be more like god works in mysterious ways then. But I think the people of the world in general have a short attention span. This generally sets things in a cycle. This is why in America you see a switch of Political parties in general every 7 years. This is why you see falls in the market every few years. After 9/11 people were all pumped up about America being strong and powerful. But the population as a whole became disinterested after a few years. Bad decisions were made and people became more interested in other things rather than keeping the market strong.
It was around 3 to 5 months into President Obamas 4 year term that people have started to lose faith in him. 7 months into his Presidency his approval ratings dropped drastically. This shows to me that you only get a short period of time in the public eye to make something work. The issue is that it takes longer than that. President Bush warned that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq would take a long time. The American public was all for that. But, Once the public lost interest in the wars "in general that was after the first few months" you started to see backlash. Honestly this is what Osama was betting on. Vietnam was the same way. Their leaders knew of the worlds attention span, In specific Americas lack of an attention span. They knew they just had to keep picking away. Once that started to happen then the politicians got involved. There were rallies and other things. American soldiers were degraded in their own country. Support in the war was lost. Not that I am saying if it was right to be there or not. But American support fell. Because of that, troops had to pull back, getting many of them killed in the process or throwing away the victories of those that had given their lives to push things forward.
Those are just big examples that have effected our lives now and some of the affects we are only seeing now or have not seen them yet. I think we can all live our lives by a factor of 7. Not that that is a hard number. You can go more or less by a year or two before you notice the difference. It is like a wave of peaks and valleys threw time. I think we are in that right now with this economic down turn. We have hit the low, and it will take us time to get out of it. But we are out. In the next few years we will see growth again. over the next 7 years we will see growth in America and the world. This is the time we prepare ourselves. This is the time we make the good choices in our lives to prepare for the next downturn. Expect to see struggles in the market again in 8 to 9 years. Your life does not have to be in the same cycle as the stock market. You could be having the best times right now, or you could still be on your way up or way down. These are the times that we grow in our lives. It is not a straight track and we will be taken all over. This is how we learn the lessons in our lives is we learn from the bad times and put those into the good time so that when the bad times come around again we can better handle the storm.

October 12, 2009

World is going down hill fast

Over the past few weeks I have thought about this. It has bugged me forever but the other night it came to a point where I just had to let it burst out. "This world is going to hell and I know how and why!"
First off the reason I got upset. I have posted on forums and blogs many time. I usually try to be more of a middle man and I try not to start a fight. But I do say it as I see it and I give reasons why. Well when one of those posts get's deleted or reported because someone got insulted by one thing I said I have every right to get upset. I will do my best from now on not to support these sites.
Now the reason for the issue. Everyone now feels that they have the right to cry about everything. They whimper about how you say something. Not what you mean by it. They take offense to everything. A black person, if they so desire will or are looking for it can make anything look racially motivated. A Hispanic man will say it's you fault he is poor and uninsured even though he is not the one looking for a good job or finishing his education. A feminist will say she was not given a job because she was a woman. Not because she was not as qualified as the person that actually got the job. I am sure there will be someone out there that will be insulted that I used hell in this blog, and to that I say. Dammit I can say what ever the hell I want!
This happens all over the world. You cannot say your thoughts anymore. You cannot give an educated answer unless you have 5 Ph D's on that subject. Otherwise people will take offense to it. They will say your a nut and a crazy angry man. Democrats are getting upset because republicans are demonizing the president. Well I just say it's all fair. The democrats have been doing that for years against Bush. All is fair in love and war as they say. if you give it you better be able to take it.
As for the current American arguments. Healthcare is not a human right, it is a privilege. A right is th freedom to live and breath. If you do not take care of yourself now. we should not be expected to take care of you later when it is already to late. America gives opportunities. They give you the opportunity to have better healthcare. they give you opportunity to have a better job, bigger house, more money. These are not rights. These are not things that should be given to you. You can cry all you want about it. If we want to pour our money to the needy. Give them more opportunities for education. more opportunities to get a good job. Those will give them opportunities to get better healthcare.
Human kind does not need to be pampered and taken care of. We learn by trials. We learn by the hard times that we have to go threw. We learn to take better care of ourselves. If you are not worried about what everyone else is saying you will stop taking everything said as a potential insult.
I cannot say that I have not been part of this and I cannot say that I will never be again. But from now on I am going to do everything I can to not be a part of this system anymore.

September 16, 2009

Do we Really need a Public Option? Really?

Ok so this might be late. because it has so far been pushed out or tones down on the current health bill. But Do we really need a public option? I do not see why we do.
Liberals like obama will tell you that we do because there are 50 million people that are not insured in this country. To which I say. How many of those 50 million chose not to be insured because the feel invincible.
Now they will also tell you that this will just be another option in our current healthcare system? Really so we need another option. Do not the plethora of health insurance companies out there consitute plenty of options? do we need one more that just happens to be goverment run?
They will tell us that healthcare costs are way to high. To that I answer. Yes it can be extremly high. But also if you are in general good health you can get a insurace program that is relitivly cheap. More of an emergincy insurance. Fix the little bumps and dings that you will get along the way. The current insurance that I have I am not even sure if I need that much coverage. I am a lucky one though. Because my company still pays for me to be covered. But If I had to. I would be able to get health insurance for half the cost somewhere else.
They will tell you 30+ other countries are doing it and are happy. To which I answer. "Yes and the people in that country will get the extra health insurance provided by companies just so they can get better care that the national one just cannot provide."
So why would we need a public option? I do not see any reason other than the current Goverment wants to be a do all Goverment. We would not get a health benefit. We would not truly get a cost benefit. All we would get is another possible provider or in some cases a second provider.

September 15, 2009

So many things to do.

Well It has been just over 3 months Since Cassandra and I got married. I don't think we have had much rest time either. Family Gatherings, Baby blessings, Double dates with friends (so we don't alienate everyone.) All this has kept us so busy that we have not been to our ward very often. We have not been home on sundays. We are generally out of town or somewhere else. Its a crazy life. But I am glad I have it. Otherwise we would be bored.

Cassie and I finally got some of our pictures hung up in out place. That took way longer than I hoped. We have a new DVD case so that we can fir all of our movies(mostly from cassies side) into something more orderly than what we had before.
Cassie is starting her cousins Biggest looser 2 competition this week. We are hopeing we will win and so although I am not entering it with her. I will be going on the same diet myself. Too loose some much not needed weight and also to not be a distraction to cassie during this competition. I think we have decided that she will be in charge of the food that we eat and I will be in charge of our workouts. Hopefully this works out the best for both of us.

Well I think that is our latest update. Hopefully soon I will get some time to transfer over my computer to our place so that cassie can update her blog also.

August 27, 2009

Yup! In a week I will be tunring 31. The age that when I was 13 and didn't know any better thought was the age people became old farts. The age of only a year ago that I became an outcast to the Single life Society. Lucky I got out of that when I did. But in a week I will not be able to say I am just out of my 20's. I will be into my 30's. Of course they do say that 30 is the new 20 somewhere right? I don't figure I am that old except for my lack of energy, My desire to go to bed at 9:00 pm every night. My two bad kneese that flare up when the temprature changes. The fact that I really do like my vegetables except for a few inparticular ones, the fact that I cannot eat tons of junk food and not even gain a pound, and last but not least the fact that I get up early in the morning to(close your eyes and plug your ears or just skip this part all togeather if you can't handle it.) Pee. Yes I not only get up at 5:30 every mornig to run. But also if I even wanted to stay in bed and sleep I would have no choice but to go to the bathroom or wet the bed. The latter my wife might get upset with.
All of these I have a reason for. Making me feel all the older. I want to go to bed early because I wake up early. I have bad kneese because of bad genetics and too much football. I gain weight eating alot of junk food because I have not stayed in as good of shape my whole life like I should have. I have just got myself into a rythem. Not a Rut. A Rut would be something that I hate doing every day but do it because I don't know what else to do.
But here is to becoming 31. The age where you see most people on TV in the best shape of their lives. The age where Hollywood stars join crazy religious cults, The age where you make it or break it in life. In the 21st Century 30 has taken over where 20 was in the 20th Century. Or so I am told, and dang it I am going to believe it.

August 18, 2009

Go Vick, Go Eagles!

OK. This is a hot Topic. Michael Vick. The former all-star NFL Quarterback that was arrested over 2 years ago for running and funding a dog fighting ring.
Now I am not a Eagles fan and I saw some of Vick's games back in his hay day. But personally never got into watching him but knew the name. I do not agree with what he has done. and I agree with the Prison time and home areas that he has been put threw. I do not have issue with him going bankrupt for paying back the community for the crimes that he committed and funded. But there are some things I do have issues with and they are not with Vick or the Eagles.
I have Issues with all those that do not want him back into the NFL. I have issues with those that will not forgive a man or at least give a man a chance to get back into his life after our system has said he has done his time. I have Issues with those that see themselves better than someone because they have not committed a crime or at least have not been caught yet.
Michael Vick has been deemed worthy by all those that he has personally met with. Public opinion does not see his heart or his intentions. Public opinion only counts after the fact. Why? Because public opinion is uninformed, uneducated and cruel. Public opinion is filled with hatred.
Public opinion says that Michael Vick should never play in the NFL again. Public opinion says to boycott the Eagles because they are the team giving him a chance.
I say Give Vick a chance. The eagles have done just that. They did exactly what I thought they should do. They gave him a smaller contract for one year. They gave him the contract stating they can let him go next year if he does not perform. That is not only on the field but also off the field. He has to prove that he is more than willing to be a proper role model to those that will look up to him. He has to prove that he is more than willing to help the National Human Society in all that they do. He has a year to prove this. The Eagles are giving this man a shot that no one else would. They are giving him a chance to prove to public opinion that he has grown up and become a better person.
So I say this. Go Eagles for showing that your still a team with Humane Ideals. and I say GO Vick! Prove all your nay Sayers wrong. Prove that you have rethought your life and become a better man. I look forward to seeing the eagles have a good season.

August 13, 2009

Married life

So Tuesday was the 11th. meaning that Cassie and I have been married for two months. Also Monday was the 10th meaning Cassie and I had our first date 2 years ago. The week started off busy. Things to do not much rest to be had. But Monday night Cassie and I recreated our first date. We went miniture golfing at Mulligans and had dinner at Gekko's just across the street. Tuesday we enjoyed eachothers company because as a married couple we are poor and one big date wipes out our party cash for the week or possibly the month.
But It has been great. There are many things I would like to improve on, but Married life is great.

August 12, 2009

Buisness Ethics

Ok my last post was ranting about Democrat Propoganda. But I do agree with one or two things that the guy said. Although not how he said it. I wish I had saved the link for everyone to read. I will see about looking it up.
One of the points he did sight was these Big CEO's of companies that sign contracts with a garanteed bonus. What I was complaining about was that he was blaming Ronald Regan and his push for small goverment. But goverment involvement is not the issue. It is greed and stupidity. It is the feeling of entitlement that these people have.
A Bonus is not something that should be garenteed. A Bonus is something you get for doing well. Something you get for improving buisness. But most of these companies that are giving these Bogus bonuses are in the Red as they would say. They are in debt. They live paycheck to paycheck. They not only live beyond thier means the splurge way beyond it. If I lived my life that way. I would have 6 car. 4 of them exotic sports cars and the other two of them would be $100,000 plus. I would have a 10,000 sq ft. house and eat like a king every night haveing my servants feed me. Basically I would be in debt not only up to my ears but I would be burried feet underneath it.
So what does this come down to? I am sure most of these buisnessmen are good at what they do. But do the decisions that they make warrent them a $10 mil. bonus? Can they make that same promise to the other people that they are making contracts with? Does the rest of the company see profits that are that much higher? Should not the normal Salary of these CEO's be suffecient? All these are Ethical questions. Are they getting paid what they are worth? Some I would say yes. Other, Especially the high profile ones, No!!! Why do I say "No". Because the companies that fired them did not make a profit. The CEO just found a loop hole. Some people might use the argument that it was in his contract and so he gets it no matter what. Well a bonus is by definitian "something in addition to what is expected or strictly due" So technically you cant sign for a bonus. You can only recieve a bonus for doing something well or right. On that same note. You cannot recieve a bonus for getting fired.
Buisness Ethics is what is missing not only in this country. But in this world. We need to hold back on this scence of entitlement. But not only in buisness, but also goverment. These higher ups not matter where they are, consider themselves better that you or me. I challenge them to do anything without the workers of this country. Bill Gates and Microsoft would be nothing without all the quality programmers that work for them on a much lower payscale. Car manufactures would not be able to proceed without the help of thier factory workers. Insurance companies would fail without thier secretaries and others that would be considered lowly in the mind of a arrogant richman.
We need to get rid of the idea of upping our station or earning more money. We should not feel entitled for a well paying job just because we finished college. You have to prove that you can be a productive member of society. You have to prove that you can better the position you are in. An education does not matter where you got it from if you cannot use it properly. You get paid for the work you do well, not for the schooling or history that you have.

August 10, 2009

Age Of reason

I was just reading a article on AOL talking about how because of Ronald Regan and his small government idea. That is what has caused all the issues in this country.

My comment to that is that no liberal seems to know what he is talking about anymore. They are so far left that they will not allow themselves to think in any other direction. They attacked Bush 7 of the 8 years he was in office. They did suck a good job at it that they made the war in Iraq even harder. They were the ones that killed soldiers. They are the ones that killed our friends and children. Why because they showed the world what we have become. WEAK!!! We bicker and fight over every little thing. We debate over everything. Every ones feelings have to be taken into account. Even if they would rather kill you than look at you.

So now that they have Made both Bush Sr. and Jr. look like devils. They are now attacking Regan. One of the most popular and well loved presidents of all time. Why are they going after him? Because they are trying and very successfully tearing down the system. They want all the power to be put in the hands of the few to control the many. They want us to be slaves to ourselves. They want the rich to pay the poor to not do anything. They tout themselves as a modern day Robbin hood and the poor and troubled cheer them on, but yet they do not know why. The poor only hear that they either don't have to work or they have to work less. they hear things like free health care and cheaper fuel costs. They do not know what these are or what they mean.
As a country we are slowly falling into the propaganda that the far left wing liberals are pushing. They have taken over the media and they come into our homes. they are filling our minds with crap and evil. We need to fight it. We need to work to better form our own opinions and throw half of what the media says to the side.
We need to become the Land of the Free and home of the brave once more. This is not a one person fight. We all need to look at what is happening and see if we truly agree with it or not. This is not a popularity contest. This is life. We need to leave the Jr high and high school mentalities behind us. We need to hear what people are pushing for and not just cheer them for speaking well. We need to not attack ourselves to just one persons ideals. But hear everyone and become our own person. We all do these things and this country will have a chance. If not we will become the next Rome.

August 4, 2009

Age of Fear

I was a little heated up last night over an incident that happened Sunday night. We have some neighbor kids that like to doorbell ditch us frequently. Normally it is just a little game and I pay little to no attention to it. But Sunday night after a long drive. It was pretty late. Between 10 and 10:30pm.
I had gone to bed since I wake up every morning at 6am or earlier. Cassie was staying up a little longer than me. But was about to go to bed herself. When the doorbell starts ringing like crazy. When Cassie opened the door she had rocks thrown at her. Not pebbles. But rocks. So not only are we rudely awakened at a late hour. Cassie was attacked by a little girl. Somewhere between the age of 4 to 8.
So last night I was still upset about the incident. Why is this child up and out side causing trouble 10 at night? I was not allowed outside after 10. Heck at that age I was in bed. Maybe parents don't believe in bedtimes anymore? Its not the hip thing to tech your child good bed habits anymore?
So in my rage I said to Cassie. If that child rang our doorbell like crazy again in the middle of the night and then threw rocks at either of us again. I was going to go out there and spank her. Cassies prompt response was. "I would not do that, They could sue us."
Now Cassies response although right made me think. This is the age of fear. We are all afraid that someone would sue us. You have to keep your house clean and in good condition because if someone comes into your house to rob you and happens to trip and fall, hurting them self. They can sue you for the injury. Not only that. They have won cases in the past! So it does not matter that they were in the wrong. That they were committing a crime. It only matters that they got hurt on your property.
So now back to my situation. The mom of the child was outside. She did apologize to Cassie for the child ringing the doorbell. It was a case of "Was that my child?!?!? Oh I am sorry" so part denial and a simple possibly PC apology. Did she mean it? I don't know. But did she promptly take that child into her room and at least ground her for the night? Did the child even know what she did was wrong?
So where does the fear stop? Should I be afraid every day of protecting myself, my wife, or any one in my family? If you go by the news or public opinion. Yes. Don't do anything of the sort. Do not stand up for human rights unless your part of the human right organization. Even then they will step on your toes and hold you back from doing the right thing, just so that they can keep their funding.
So what can we do. We protect ourselves, we get sued. We do nothing, We get taken advantage of. This is an age of fear. An age of rewarding those that do wrong. I am sick of it. You can't go to a politician because they Will give you the politically correct answer. You can't go to a lawyer because of previous cases they will just tell you that you will lose. We are stuck in the mud. We have to let people take advantage of us because it is the only way to keep yourself from going into horrible debt.

June 25, 2009

Loss of our magical youth

Well it is Official. Michael Jackson has passed on.
He has not been a big influence in my life for the past 15 or 20 years. But growing up how could I forget Thriller! I watched the Video I don't know how many times and I watched the the making of Video just as much. And who could forget his moon walk or Billy jean, I think we started to see him go down hill after "Bad" came out. But We all have been influenced by this man.
I can only wish his family my best at this time. They have my prayers with them at this time. Him only being 50 right now. That is such a young age to die.
We Wish you the Best Michael where ever you may be at this time. We will miss you.

Never thought I would hate being called a name

Usually when people first meet me they ask if they should call me Jake or Jacob. My reply to them is, "I don't care. You can call me "hey you!" if you want."
Then people Find out that my middle name is Jacob and that my first name is William. So they just ask me why I do not go by William or Will. To which I reply. I just have never answered to William or Will and if you try to talk to me and call me William the chances of me realizing your talking to me is slim.
So as the wedding approached Cassie said that her family might get confused by the William Jacob Shelley on the invitations. Worried that people might call me William or Will. I said I did not mind. But I never realized that people might call me Bill. But not only call me Bill they would but it on cards, Gifts and other things. So when I started to see this. I was disturbed. Allot more than I ever thought I would be. Bill?? My granfather on my mothers side is a Bill. My uncle is a Bill. Cassies Grandfather on her mothers side is a Bill. I am not a Bill. I did not put Bill on the invitations or on the registrys or anywhere at all. I did not even hint at ever wanting to be called Bill.
I laugh at it now. But when I first saw it, it sent shivers down my spine, and not the good shivers either. Both Cassie and I both got this name change thing in our gifts she got Cassy. Both of us were a little annoyed. But we laugh at it now. What can you do really. But for everyone out there. I am a Jake or Jacob and it's Cassandra or Cassie.

June 23, 2009

Internet. Schmiternet!

I am Really getting tired of all there networking sites. I mean really how many do I need to join? How many times do I need to know that some person I knew at one point in time is brushing thier teeth or trying to decide if they should go shopping or not.
Then you get into the news. Not only is the news becomming more and more usless. Giving opinions and not facts. Why do the Newspapers have to work so hard to get money. Why do things have to get some damn expensive. The digital age has done so many great things for us. But also the Digital age has torn us and more specifically the youth so far away from reality that I am suprised that we even take time to cook ourselves a meal anymore.
These are things I have seen that the internet has done for us the past decade or so.

1. Helps the American or just in general the world population gain fat.

2. Lets all of us think we are know it alls because we know how to look something up on Wikipedia.

3. Made us all even more of a critique. because everyone has an opinion on everything. The internet just lets us type it for everyone to see and know what type of moron we are.

4. It has took away our work ethic as a nation. It does not matter if it is at home or on the job. We do less work and more web surfing.

5. Internet rip off sites and scams. enough said.

6. Scocial networking sites that make us Less Scocial!

7. Twitter? Really??? Do we really need it!

8. Really sick and twisted sites. Not porn! But sites that show people getting maimed, killed, severly beaten up and all other horrible things. does not matter if it is fake or real. Why do we need it.

9. Child porn. You hear it more and more often of some teacher or goverment official gets caught.

10. Porn in general. I mean really it has gone from your standard typical stuff. To things that would just make you vomit. Sad thing is someone gets off from it. It encourages filth.

The internet Has many great things to offer. But all the filth and other crap you have to wade threw makes it so annoying. I admit that I have gotten caught up in some of these things. But Really I am wanting to be done with it. The Crap that I see going threw the world wide web has started to discust me. I know maybe 3 people will read this. But that is ok. I am sure someone would leave a dumb comment because they never learned to read anything more than a scentence in thier lifetime. We are in the age of the internet. Or the age or the know it all can't do anything with it.

MaRrIeD LiFe iS sTrAngE!

It is so odd to think that I have been married now for a week and a half. Coming up on 2 weeks. No more late night Drives to and from home to drop cassie off. No more holding back on the makeouts.(No more details here) andMore time with my sweety. More sleep for sure. Just the quality time that I always wanted.
But Still everyonce in a while I just think. How in the world did I get this beautiful Woman to marry me. We are both crazy I guess.

May 21, 2009

P90X 2 months over one to go

   Well I have been on P90X for 2 months now. Well as of today just under 2 months. I have noticed I have alot more energy and I am able to tighten up my belt alot more. Both big pluses. So this is my before and after pictures as of about a week ago.



May 20, 2009

Religious VS Non-religious.

    The fight has gone on for centuries. The atheists claiming the religious people are nuts for believing in a god or higher being. The religious people saying it's crazy not to believe.

     I think the tides have turned against religion. Not in the fact that they are wrong. But that the ones that try and claim they are wrong have found a way to get louder and make people think there are more of them than there really are. Where is this voice? The liberal media, Internet Forums and other Internet posts. We see it all the time. We are bombarded with it. 

     It has only come to show me that most of the vocal atheists out there are mere children when it comes to anything. Why do I say this. Well they call anyone that tries to contradict them morons, idiots, or just plain stupid, along with a myriad of many different names that I can't think of or would prefer not to say or in this case type. But the basic thing is that they are not teachable. They have been trained by the world to hate. They have been trained by the world to be stubborn. The religious world is not fighting against a competent foe. They are fighting anger and malice. They are fighting people that do not understand because they are not willing to understand much less even give a thought to trying.

    For these people it is a loosing battle. They do not want you accept them for who they are, they want you to accept them for what they do. Can a Mass murderer tell all of us that he was just born to kill, he cannot help it. NO! He would still be punished and banned from society. He knows better he just decides not to follow it. Can a wall street banker steal millions of dollars and tell us he could not help it, he was born to take money from others. NO! He would be forced to pay the money back and what he could not repay in cash would be repaid in prison.

   So why in the world do we accept all this anti-religious semitism. Why are we forced to accept some people for what they do and not who they are? Why are religious people call bigots and morons for stating what they believe to be true. Because the Media is now open to everyone. The educated are not the ones giving us all our news. Half the time the news we get is just bias as it is. Religion is under attack by the uneducated of the world. The ones that would not believe that you have two hands if you told them. They would have to see it, touch it, taste it. to believe in it and even then they would be in doubt.
    Religion is in an intense fight. If you look at it in a religious sense you would see that it is the devil and the fence sitters that are making this fight possible. That is why it is a fight of nonsense. Because it is only a fight of hatred. Hate does not allow thoughts of understanding to enter. It blocks all that is good. You cannot see good if your looking for the bad. This is Satins fault, and he easily passes it on to us when we are in a weak state of mind.

May 18, 2009

Our we DeValuing our money?

     I hear every day every one wanting to become the next Millionaire. and you hear about it all the time. But what has happened seems to be hurting us rather than helping us. Now the rich people instead of being millionaires have to be billionaires.
     Of course I have heard also that the typical CEO of a company use to make lets say 90 times the average employee and now they make nearly 250 times the average employee. Is not the 90 times enough? Can you not buy plenty of your toys getting 90X my yearly or monthly salary? Have we become a country of so much greed that we are willing to throw any morals aside in the quest for a bigger Humvee before turning it in for a massive loss because we hated it.
     We encourage Crap products to be built. And someones makes it for $0.05 and sells it for $10 and we get this idea that its great. He or She makes millions of dollars because we have to buy it over and over again.
     These Big companies outsource American designed products to some third world country that replace the metal with plastic. The CEO of the company gets a Big raise and a bonus on top of that. Then 6 months later he leaves the company with a big lawsuit on it because the product is faulty. Does he care? No because he has made his millions.
      I realize there is very little or nothing I can personally do about this. I just have a gripe that everyone thinks that they are entitled to be a millionaire. Now it seems Millionaires are a dime a dozen. I wish we could fix this. But the mentality of this country and its people would not allow this. Everyone wants money. We all want that bigger house. I admit I am sometimes one of those people. But I still don't think it is right that the average CEO salary has grown 4x faster than the average employee.

May 4, 2009

Great Week, Somber Weekend

    Well this past week Started off Pretty Well. Cassie and I were getting ready for out Engagement photos and video. So it was allot of waxing,plucking,whitening and cleaning. Basically I was looking clean cut and younger for my pictures. Hopefully anyway. 
    Then Thursday we had the photo's It was quite fun. It was up at president circle at the U of U. We had allot of fun and I hope to have stuff up on our wedding site before next week.
     Friday was just a catch up day. Cleaning, Washing, Doing the things that I don't get to during the week. Getting a nice Dinner With my Cassie Belle, and having a relaxing night.
     Saturday was a mix of allot of different things. I did my normal morning workout and then printed a sticker for a sign around noon. Then I had a small lunch at home and then headed over to Cassie's because we were going to dinner with both my parents and her parents for the first time. I should say were because about 5 min out from the restaurant I got a phone call from my Dad. I was at first thinking he was just wondering if we were there yet or not. Now wish that had only been the case. But it was far more shocking. My dad was calling to cancel. He had to cancel because he had just been called moments before by my Cousin Terreye. She called to tell him her mother(His younger sister) had just passed away. This caught me off guard. So I can only imagine on how much it threw my dad off. My parents waited for us at the restaurant and met with Cassie's parents for a few minuets before rushing off to my aunt and uncles house. 
    I went to nervous and excited to sad and somber so quickly. I am pretty sure this is similar to how the rest of the family felt. This was so unexpected, There was no warning. We did not get that call saying she had took a turn for the worst, She was supposedly a little sick and put to bed to rest. No final good byes. 
    So this is mine. 
    I will miss you Aunt Clara. I will miss you giving me little jabs when I cam to visit you at home and at work. I will miss you calling me about computer problems. I am sorry that I did not make the time to come over and visit more often. I should have learned sooner that if work takes over your life it's just not worth it. I thank you for all the years of support that you have given me and my family. The Good sister and more importantly Great friend that you have been to my father. We thank you for the time that we had. We all love you and will miss you.

     Love, The Annoying one.

May 1, 2009

Enguagement pictures.

    I was so nervous yesterday that the engagement pictures were going to be busy and allot of blah. But they were great. I had allot of fun. got a good workout walking everywhere and holding a few crouching poses for longer than I expected. All good and allot of fun. 
    I think Cassie and my lips, and cheeks were both soar from all the kissing and smiling for 3 hours. But it was worth it. We will now have pictures for our kids to laugh at our outfits in 10 to 20 years. But it will show us as we are young. Something to say " Hey I was extremely attractive when I was younger also!"
    Altogether it was a fun ride and good fun. Maybe you will even see me floating away with a balloon. Who knows what is next.

April 24, 2009

AWW. Friday. The day of days. The day of Bliss. The day I get off of work before noon. What else can you say. Friday is the start of the weekend and in my case almost gives me a 3 day weekend. How fridays just give me joy. How fridays give me time to catch up on all the other crap I should have done during the week. 

April 23, 2009

Wedding Day Jitters

    Ok me and my Hunny bunny, Cassie Belle.  Have been working on our wedding for a few months now. Some things I like some things I am indiffrent. Some things I have too strong of an opinion on. But I think that Cassie would agree with me when I say. I want this whole process to be over.  It is the most stressful thing ever. I swear Cassie is going to crack any day now. 
    I am ready to move into our new place. Although I will be there for about two weeks before cassie actually moves in. I am excited to start a new chapter in my life. 
    So my wedding day jitters are not about wanting to get out. But to get the wedding day planned and over.

April 22, 2009

Working for a living.

    Well as I sit here with my two screens on earthday. (Yes I use them both. Right now I have autocad and Revit open. So not only am I using them I am sure I am stressing out the processor on my work computer. ) I was thinking about how my workout progress is going. 
    Today I did Kempo. This is one of the more entertaining workouts. Maybe it is just because I like to fake hit things. Or maybe it is because I have alot of agression twords the air which constantly gets in the way. But I get to punching and kicking and by the time I think to look at the clock. a half hour has easily passed away if not 40 min. I always want more.  This is a 1 hour workout. And the shirts I wear during these workouts can only be worn again after I wash them, as they are drentched on sweat which makes them really stinkey.
     Admittedly this morning I looked at the workout schedule and was dissapointed that it was not the X Stretch this morning. (that is tomorrow.) But after the initial warm up and stretches I was ready to go. I was punching smoother today than normal and felt myself moving more. which would make the punches hurt more if I actually hit you. I don't hit that hard anyway so don't worry. But I felt energetic this morning after my lathargic start. when we were set to do 30 punches or kicks I did 32. when we did our breakes I dade sure to keep my heart rate up and actually did extra jumping jacks. I figure 1 or 2 extra of those will not hurt me. I had a good workout this morning. I cannot complain. Yea. Maybe 4:30 was a little early for me to wake up this morning and my pillow was extra heavy but one I got up and shook off the sleeping fairy dust, I was good to go.
     So I am happy to say my progress is going well. I have hit my 3-1/2 week mark. I am feeling good. I am feeling strong. My kicks are not only higher but stronger and more cordinated.  My punches flow. My push ups have incresed. My pull ups have more than doubled. my weight has dropped, and my energy has gained. Big change from 4 weeks ago.

April 16, 2009

My P90X Workout review and updates.

    Well I thought I should update my blog. and also tell about the new workout program I am on. This one I hope to keep updated for the full time that I am on this program. P90X. 
    So far I am in my 3rd week.  I have noticed alot of strength and stamina changes.  My finacee has said she has noticed that I am slimmer. So I am getting what I want (strength) and she is getting what she wants (A slimmer Jake).
    So far my workouts consits of alot of pushups and pullups on Mondays(chest and back). and then jumping around on Tuesdays (Plyometrics), Curls, curls, curls and tricept, tricept, tricept on Wednesdays (Arms and Tricepts). and then Massive losses of water followed by Death on Thursdays (Yoga). and then Friday I do alot of squats and 
pull ups. Or in my case falling down and getting back up alot. (Legs and back) Finally Saturdays I learn how to kick you A** if you try to bother me during my workout. (Kempo) and then Sundays are a rest and streach day. and then I start it all over again. But that is only the first 3 weeks. Which I am just finishing up. the 4th week Will be a low impact week. So I will do alot more cardio and keep on the Yoga. 
     Now when I started this I was just on the verge of not being able to make it. So if you have not been the the gym in months. or are overweight I do not reccommend this workout. Find something else or make sure your fully comitted before you invest in these DVDs. 
    They have a test online to see if your are ready for this program. Try it and see how you do. If you pass all of them or only fall slightly short on one maybe two of the workouts. You can handle these workouts. But do not expect to keep up with the people on the video for atleast a few weeks if not more.

   The Next picture is not for the weak of heart or those that are sensative to light or easily blinded. Also those that like to make jokes or any other inapropriate comments Plase do not. 

This is my start up picture. 
     Yes the workout might help the gut. But I do not think it will help the tan or lack there of.
     I will be taking a new picture in a few weeks. Hopefully I can say I look better then.

March 2, 2009

My Appologies

   I figure in my Last few posts I have said a few harsh words. I am not saying I take back what I have said. But more how I said it. I will still stand that I have my right to my opinions and beliefs. But I want those others to know I respect their opinions also. I think that this is a great country. We all have the right to state our opinions and thoughts. Sometimes that means that what we want does not happen. The popular vote is what we live by. this is suppose to be a country for the people by the people. Not a country for the few by the few. 
   I think this makes us stronger. I do not like to see either side get mocked or be mocked. I have seen both the liberal media and conservative media take too many cheap shots at each other. Claiming victory were there was no clear winner or no war in the first place.  
   I will openly admit that I am republican, or conservative. But I also admit that I am sometimes wrong or do not have all the facts. But I do hope that I can say that I strive to understand others thoughts that are around me.

   I would like to thank the few that do take the time to read my blog. I try to mix things up. 

February 25, 2009

Sean Penn... My Children will not be ashamed of me!!!

     I am sick and tired of the gay community and the accept everything I do mentality!

   I do not have to accept you. Same as I don't have to accept everyone as my friends. It does not mean I will attack you. It does not mean that I will rip into your lifestyle. But it does mean I will stand up for what I know is right, when you try to force the opposite upon me.
   Where I get upset with Sean Penn. Is in his Oscar Speach where he said those who voted against gay marriage. There children will be ashamed of them. Well if my children are ashamed of me for believeing that marriage is between a man and a woman. Well then My children are wrong and this society that is very quickly spinning out of control would be to blame. 

   We do not have the right to make a choice but not pay the consiquences. I can't drive my car off of a cliff and expect not do die or get hurt real bad. I can't decide to drink bad milk and not expect to get sick off of it. I cannot get caught speeding, Admit that I was speeding and then expect the Judge to let me go with out paying for it in some way shape or form, just because she feels sorry for me. 

   Marriage is between a man and a woman. Sean penn and alot of the hollywood liberals do not seem to know this. But marriage is not just that. Marriage is the start of a family. Start of your family. Sure married couples sometimes adopt. But that is an option or in some cases the only choice after the natural options have been tryed and failed. Gay and lesbien couples cannot produce a family. They can be part of one. I am sure they can be loving parents. But just because they hear the word marriage does not mean that they know what it is and it does not mean they are entitled to it.

   Recently there was a news article that a 9 year old girl dieing of cancer married her 7 year old boyfriend. Alot of people say this is cute, or sweet. The courage of a child with cancer. But these 2 children do not understand what love is. They only know that thier parents are married and that others get married when they find the one they love. Maybe one day Sean Penn will also say that my children will be ashamed of me because I would not let them also get married when they are inbetween the ages of 7 to 9. 

    I will really be a horrible father. I mean how dare I! I will not let children get married. I will never agree to gay marriage. I will not be the one responsable for this worlds currupt behavior. the self destruct mode that we are in. I will no more contribute to the poison of society.

    Now I do agree that the Gay community should have some civil rights and the church has given a statement that I agree with. Things like the ability to go see loved ones.  Recieve health and tax benifits. But the word marriage is a holy one. and should not be tained. 
   As I was looking up the LDS churches stance on gay marriages and civil unions. Most of it was filled with Anti-Mormon, greater than though, gay and lesbien bigots. But one I read was a guy claiming to have been in the church for 30 years.  Gone on a mission, went to BYU, ect. You know they type.  He possibly was a know it all ASS then, and he has continued it now, just outside of the church at this time.  It is his goal to indocterinate all us LDS morons in the error of our ways. I am sure just as he found it his duty on his mission and in his church and work. Before ailinating everyone because he "Found the Truth about the LDS church!!!" his Blog is riddled with anti-mormon conspiracy theories. All of wich only have a fraction of truth mixed in with lies and speculation. might I add,. Just like the Gay community protesting the church with thier false doctorines and fabrications.  

This is what I wrote to him. I decided it best not to post it on his blog because it would only send him in an even further in his downward spiral hate for mankind.   

You may have spent 30 years in the church. Gone on a mission. Done all the so called church things. But you never truly understood what the church is all about. Your comments on the church are unfounded and shows your pure blindness to it. You need to re-educate yourself. 
Marriage is not a right. The church is not against the civil unions of gays and lesbians. They should have many civil rights. If your really interested in it. You should go look up the churches official stance. Also It was not in Utah that the law was past. It was in California. The Gay community is just as prominent as the LDS community. So this means more people agree with the LDS meaning of marriage than The Gay community meaning. Also, Do we not have the same right to speak out against gay and you and the Gay community have to speak for it? Do you not respect others opinions? Do you hold yourself above others? Are you a better than me? or in this case. Are you a better than president Hinckley was? I think not. I am sorry in your self pity that you decided to leave the church. But it was always said that those that leave the church will be the ones to fight the hardest against it. You justify your deeds by saying the church is wrong and you are right. You will one day realize that you are wrong. Do you know what the church will do on that day that you come crying and crawling back to them. They will accept you with open arms.

In conclusion. Sean Penn. You need to get off your high horse. Your children and your childrens children will pay for the atrocities you peddle. You recieved your votes for an oscar because of your 
portrayal of a gay man. Not for your ability to act.

The Gay community, Leave me alone. Do not try to force your ways upon me 
or others. You will meet resistance and if continued hatred. neither of which
you are looking for.


to the comment.

I am not ashamed because the church sends millions of dollars in aid to the poor. I support a church that gives to those in need. I am in support for a law that was voted on before by the people in California that a judge illegally overturned. So they voted on it again and took back their rights. I am in support of people "being divorced" if it was illigal in the first place. I support those that fight for thier right. I do not mind if the gays fight for rights as they do have that right. But Marriage is not a right. The supporters of gay Marriage do not know what marriage is about they are a bunch of bleeding heart, give everyone what they want and don't deserve cry babies. 
If your child is gay, you should turn your back on them. But if you don't like it. It does not mean you have to support them in it. I do not support gay marriage, I have that right. Gays and liberals would take that away from me if they could so so that they can get what they want.
I will not and cannot tolerate gay marriage. It goes against everything natural. Gays are only allowed to adopt and start a family because we as a society allow girls to become mothers at 14. We as a society teach ourselves not to be a family.
The church in its statement about gay Marriage said they were not anti-gay but pro family. Gay people will try to use this pure term against them. But at the heart of it. A gay couple is not a family. They cannot naturally start a family. You do not truly get both sides of the family. I do not say that gay people are or would be bad parents. In many cases they are possibly better parents to an adopted child than the ones that gave them up. But that does not give them the right to marriage. Otherwise we might as well let all the pedofiles, animal lovers, children, ect. Get married also. Because once Gays get the right one or all of those will be next. Everyone has an agenda. Not just the gays or the blacks or the liberals, or any other group. I stand for my rights. The rights that this country gave me. I am ashamed of anyone that sheds their beliefs to make someone happy. I am ashamed of those that consider themselves religious but still support this cause. I am ashamed of they gay community for being so selfish. Spending all this time and money to make gay marriage legal. When there are starving children that they could help. I am ashamed of those that will try to take away my rights and try to tie my tounge so that they can pass a law that very little of the people in this country support and then they attack me when I do or say anything. I am ashamed of those that try to call me a bigot because I do not believe in thier cause. Shame, Shame, Shame on you all.

February 20, 2009

Paying for and Planning a wedding? I have no good advice.

    Ok so recently I got enguaged to a wonderful woman. We are now getting married in june. 

   Now comes the hard part. I always heard of all the fun things about weddings. Especially the wedding night! Wink Wink. But I have not ever seen in any of the wedding movies the part where you feel like your pockets are empty and your sanity dropping like a rock. I know what is going threw my head. So I feel Sorry for my fiancee Cassie, Because she has the hard end of the deal. Traditionally the Man just has to show up to where the soon to be bride tells him to. She Gets all the inital stress I guess you would say.
But now where my pockets begin to feel empty. I did not realize that everyone else in this country that gets married was so rich. I mean honestly after a ring and a honneymoon. I figure I will have to mortgage my house that I have not bought yet.  People throw the word thousands out there, like it is nothing. "Oh how much is this?" says I. To which they reply "Oh only a few thousand." I usually turn pale and have to catch myself before I faint. I hope that is how most guys feel, so that I can say that I am not that big of a dork. Also I hope that I hide it well. I know cassie is trying to keep things resonable. 

Oh I am driving myself crazy.

     So recently I have been looking all over the internet for cheap deals on anything I might want. Recently I have found a auction website called I just tend to watch it. I have seen some people get really good deals and others I think got screwed. But I just keep watching . thrying to see if I can find a pattern. Something that will help me to get that really good deal before I jump in head first. 
I have found so far that you need to watch it like a hawk. You need to find the things you want. Do not just bid on everything. Early mornings seems to be a good time. But you have to be willing to spend some money before you even get the deal. Swoopo charges $0.75 each bid. Then if you win you pay what ever the price was when you finally win. Sometimes it in extremly cheap. Othertimes I have noticed that people are paying the same price or more as if they went to a store.
So I sit and wait. Hopeing I will find that place to bid. that I will make a great deal and win a great prize. Oh how I am driving myself insane. I better get back to it though. I have to find out all the otherways I have nissed out on something expensive for a cheap price.

February 18, 2009

Not everyone is alike.

    I have been looking over the past few months and years to my life and I have noticed one thing that almost everyone seems to have in common. They think everyone should be like them. 
I will explain.

    I don't drink. I have sipped a few differen drinks out of curiosity and have decided that it is in no way for me. I hate the taste, I do not like the places you have to go to get the "Good Stuff" and I don't like the lifestyle. But I don't mind that someone else decides to drink, as long as they do it responsibly. But I have been told my many a drinker that I have just tried the "Wrong drink" and they always will recommend a different one. Which I will reply with "I am just not interested" But always they will just say I have tried the wrong drink, It was mixed wrong, you tried the wrong brand.  But in the end I know it's just, I do not like it. it is not for me. 
    But this is not just to the drinkers or "Worldly People". Religion does it also. one of those is that if you don't see something as a miracle. You see it as good people, Good luck, or anything else. Not that you deny there is a god. Just that you don't think he controls everyone like a puppet. We all struggle with prayer, to which someone always answers with something like "You don't pray right". I have been guilty of this myself being of the mind that most people are lazy and want things given to them. It is not right of me to say, but sadly I do. 
    Being LDS, I also hear allot about the temple. I do not hate the temple. I have liked to go. But there are some things that have made me UN-easy in the past. The typical response I have heard is. "You just have to go more often." Or "You did not go in with the right frame of mind." All these answers are the same answers a drinker will give me.  Just worded differently. If I do not like something. Is that not my choice anymore. If I feel out of place or have a distaste for something that is my choice. 

   Most people accept that I do not like tomatoes. Why can't they accept that I don't like some temple ordnance. Or that I just do not like to drink alcohol. Why can't the atheist accept that I believe in god. why cant democrats accept that I think government should have a much smaller roll. Why cant the rich and the poor accept that the other is not a snob or lazy trash.  My thought is, They want you to be like them.  They want you to just accept and love everything they do. Being different to people is considered bad.