Last Night I was awoken with a startle from one of my dreams. The Dream Was largly based on me running around in this strange area. Honeslty I think it was inspired from the game I just purchased yesterday, "Little Big Planet". But I was not bothered by that. Although odd it was quite the enjoyable dream. But what Startled me was the short but sudden change that happened in the dream.
As I was saying I was wondering around. It was an area that I had just cleaned up myself and was very proud. Not even a speck of dust was to be seen anywhere and it was quite the large area. I was almost hovering around I was moving so fast. Alot of ups and downs. Stairs and solid wooden boxes. It was a very colorful dream.
After I had run away for a while. I noticed a very dusty area I had not seen before. I went in and it actually looked alot like a room in my parents basement except slightly larger and where there is a concrete wall was a large opening into what looked to me like avery nice home theater room. Well I started to walk over to the room and noticed some sort of demond in the room, smoking what looked like a cigar. although I was not sure. I only saw his arm and a slight profile of his face. He called my name with the frightening deep crackly voice. It starteled me so much that I woke up right then.
I woke up with such a fright that I am not sure if the voice was part of my dream or if it was something in my room. because I work up mid word but heard the whole word. It really freaked me out. But I like to consider myself fairly brave at times. So after a very quick scan of my room I went back to sleep. But still it gave me quite the scare and really made me think. What did he represent. What inner demonds do I have that I have either forgotten abot or apparently do not know about. What is in my dusty unused basement.
October 29, 2008
October 22, 2008
The Woman I intend(ed) to marry.
(This is something that I wrote a few months back. I can say in many ways I do still feel the same but I feel it is all for not. I cannot talk to me Belle anymore. I do not feel she wants to see me anymore. But I would take her back if I knew she was still mine. But I don't know if that will ever happen.)

I have the most beautiful woman around me. she has the softest skin and a shine in her face. spunk in her attitude mixed in with a little sass and pride. I love my Belle and I want to world to know that. She is my world and what my life was ment for. I love to pamper her and buy her gifts and flowers, candies and all the little things that let her know that I am hers. I don't want to know what life is without her ever again. She is my ray of sunshine and my compas threw life. She is my streangth, will, & power. She can always put a smile on my face or make me cry when she is upset. I love to have her near me and to smell her close. I love to hold her and squeeze her and never want to let go. I love her laugh and I love to tickle her even when she begs me to stop. I like to encourage her to prove her streangths. I want to be her sugar dady and she can be my sugar mamma. Not with money but with hugs and kisses. I love my Cassandra Bell Mcmanama

Pick Your Poison.

I though I would give some of my thoughts on the whole McCain/Obama Presidential race. First of all I do not think either man is a devil or a saint. They are both men with flaws. Something that the American public seems incapable of seeing on either side. One is always viewed as incompitent or evil just depending on what side you vote for.
The sides can and are very diffrent. This is part of the root to the problem in America these days. "If your not arguing with someone then how could either of you be right?" for some people there has to be constant conflict, constant argument, constant hatred of the opposing team. Although this has always been part of life I believe that the media has brought it more to light. Giving people more to get upset about and more to argue about.
Talking around the cooler use to be the extent of most light harted but heated debates. Now we make instant comments on someones news article, or even on someones blog. Fights break out on this for multipule reasons. either someone does actually disagree with you, or someone is just looking for a fight. One is just fine and part of how life should be. The other is a childish act by someone.
So what does the media and are own actions have to do with the canidates? Well first of all Dirty politics in the past of back-biteing and false or twisted acusations has now started to show it's self in our daily lives. The politicians do not have to do the dirty politics anymore. The news does it for them and we add fuel to the fire. News stations rarely just give us the facts anymore. They have to interpret it for us also. They have to tell us what we think. They give us our opinion. Why? Because we told them to do it.
Now back to the presidential election. How do we choose our next President? How do we choose the next leader of the free world? I mean a debate would normally be a good thing. But these days politicians only tell us what we want to hear. They can fix the economy! They will fix all the faults of what the previous president or previous party! The economy will improve our incomes will go up and our stress levels will go down. They will fight for the people. The Middle and lower class. The working man/woman. They will do better than the other canidate. They will save us from ourselves. I am thinking I have heard this all before. I am hearing this from McCaine but more importantly I am hearing it from Obama - The outed parties for the past 8 years presidential canidate. Can we go off what they tell us? No!!! They have just as much of an idea on whats going to happen tomorrow as anyone else in the world. They are public speakers and are just trying to sell us what we already have.
So how about thier past? I mean Bill Clinton always wanted to be president, Ronald Reagon wall a well respected Actor. Two diffrent people for two diffrent background. We found faults with both. We have always found the faults in our leaders. But it just proves that we cannot go by who the person shows himself as.
Basically I don't think either canidate is perfect for the job. I think both would do great things for this country and both would struggle greatly with other things. So Pick your poison.
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