So the big news on this week. besides immigration and the big oil spill is the Muslim Mosk that is being proposed at or around ground zero. Now I do not have an issue with the Muslim people. I think in general the religion is peaceful. It is the extremists that have caused this country allot of pain. But I do think it is ill advised to even ask to build anything that has to do with the Muslim religion in that area of the city.
Why? If you had someone come into your house and kill your family then themselves would you want their family to move next door? Now you might not have a issue with the family. You might completely trust them. But would it not be a constant reminder to you of what happened? Would you think it in bad taste for them to move into a neighborhood where one of their own did something so bad? I would.
During the Crusades which were a very dark time for the Christen religion. When a building was built on them Muslim land. Especially a Chapel or something to represent the catholic faith. What did the Muslims think about that. What if Americans wanted to build a Catholic chapel right by one of their holy places. What would they say?
So why argue that this is the right thing to do? Why do we have to accept them? Why do we have to prove to them that we are willing to gain their trust. Why do they want to put a building there? Doing this will only garner more distrust of the Muslim religion.
People might say that the Muslim community does not have anything against Americans. But what I saw in every Muslim country after 9-11 says contrary. People were cheering in the streets. I would not doubt that if something of that magnitude happened again you would see more cheering in the streets. Muslims and Muslim Americans are two very different people.
So no I do not support them building anything near that area.