February 11, 2014

A smart man admits he knows nothing.

I have been thinking a lot recently about the reprocusions of what we do. You see the results of others decisions through out history. we have had wars because of poor choices and saved lives because of well thought out ones.
What I have noticed is that much of the world. But from my view point America does not take into account the full reprocusions of a decision. We fight for things because we think the world has to be fair. This is not how things work. This is not how the world work. This is not how the universe works. Are you going to complain that there is no air in space and that it is so cold that you have to wear a special suit. Or are you going to accept that this is how things work.
When you look at the how the native americans reacted during war or even during the hunt it was not a joke or purly about personal and individual gain. It was about family and protecting the land. There was no political correctness to keep them from hurting someones feelings. it was always about respecting the earth. Even during the Hunt the native Americans gave thanks to the animal for giving its life.
As a world we do not understand that anymore. There are specific groups that still understand this to a point. But for us to become greater we need to work to respect the earth and more. No this does not mean we have to be hippies. But it does mean we need to take a wider view of what our choices make happen. You sneezing could easily be what triggers the next hurricane that kills thousands. Now this is not something that you can know for sure with our current knowledge. Maybe we will never know. But things like doing things to make a dollar. Why? What does money mean in the whole scheme of things. What are you doing to make things better. Are you making decisions based on making a quick buck or are you making decisions that will make the world a better place not only for you but for many generations to come.
This is where I will get political. Does our current American government have our long term interests in mind. In some cases, Yes, but in most cases No. We encourage people to do very little with thier lives. We should support our own in times of need. But we need to ket them provide for themselves.
The anchient proverb of give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Our current mentality does not support teaching a man to fish. Even our current educational system fails horribly at this. We do not teach for all the different personalities. We do not take into account all the different kinds of people. Yet they charge all sorts of amounts that drive people into uncontrollable and unessicary debt. Schools provide information you can get for free in many other places if not just a whole :ot cheaper. Then they charge thousands of dollars for your fishing licence after you already bought all the fishing equipment and in many cases you had to teach yourself since the teacher was not there or just didnt care.
We need to change our view of the world and universe. We need to take others into account. Not because of hurt feelings and political correctness. But because it is the best for all of us.

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