January 18, 2016

Extremes are bad.

I have always said extremes are bad for society.  Internet is great, but now many including myself can be addicted. 
It is good to have a budget. But to be so strict, you will never have a way to enjoy life and those around you.
Having a political standing is a good thing. But to think everyone should think the same as you is wrong, and going deeper and deeper into your political beliefs is just a bad plan.

Being religious and wanting to be a better person is a great goal. This can be wonderful for you and those around you. But as a religious person you have to fight the urge to judge both yourself and others. You have to fight the urge to expect others to be at the same type of life you live.

Wanting life to be easier and wanting to be accepted can be a good thing. But when you tell people others they are rude and wrong because they do not agree with your selfish desires. That is your issue and not thiers.

This world is not meant for your selfish desires.
This world is meant for us to improve the life of our children. 
When all you care about is if you get to love who you want or that you get to sleep with whom every you want. You are being selfish and only making this world worse.


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