September 30, 2023

prepare for many scare Tactics in 2024

2024 is going to be a crazy year, and the Democrats are gearing up for the fear mongering early. It's just the way they can have you watch one hand and ignore the other. 
They have already rigged the DNC election with blocking RFK. He can't campaign in some states. He has been denied secret service. Even though he has shown multiple threats against him. 
The DNC did the same election rigging to Bernie sanders for the past two elections. 
So we already know the DNC Riggs, its own elections.  
The Democrats do rigg primary elections, both presidential and state. 
With the many indictments against Trump the past year. They are actively working to make it impossible for him to run. They are even making up rules on the spot to try to stop him from running. So while they try to call Trump childish, thier actions of constantly changing the rules for their own benefit is very childish behavior.  
Now they are craying Russia Russia Russia. It is the start to a scare tactic they use. 
They will use their Ukraine war to pass along propaganda to us. They have kept the Ukraine war going just to have a reason to talk about it and blame Republicans when ever possible. But also put those connections to Russia interference always looming.
I believe in late 2024 you will see the Ukraine war resolved so that Biden can claim victory. It will look good to the voters and will be desined to make Biden look competent and strong. 
Nothing when it comes to the Democrats is reality right now. They are very much working to design your reality,  and their reality will lead to your oppression and mass poverty in 2025 if they keep power. 
So prepare for a crazy 2024. 

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