February 16, 2025

Why we need the middle class.

I am sure we have all seen someone post either something about the rich paying their fair share or that we need to raise the minimum wage.
Both those arguments are temporary fixes often tried and always cause more issues. 
What we need is to make it so the middle class thrives. 
Why? Middle class is a much more manageable goal. Still hard to do, but more people can accomplish it. 
Middle class is what makes an economy run and grow. It is where the majority of our money comes from. It's almost all the parts that makes the economy go. From roads being paved, buildings built, sewer lines, garbage and more all make this economy run. 
Yes we need rich people. Because they are generally the big thinkers. But they need the middle class to make their thoughts come to life. 
We will always have poor people. Bad decisions are always made and hard times always hit us. 
But focusing only on the rich and poor just gives us more of them. 
So we as a nation and a world need to focus on the middle class. The middle class will feed the poor and needy. The middle class will make the rich worthwhile visions come to life. The middle class will make the money flow. 
What this comes down to is money. Money needs to flow like a river. But unlike how it's been done, we don't need to create more money. We just need to make sure the flow of it is going in the directions we need.
 Sending too much to a dry spot will flood the area. Sending it too much to another area makes a lake. Both can often taint the water supply. But a lake properly managed creates a good flow. Properly hydrating an area before gives new areas potential to grow.
Middle class is a very fertile stream to river. Life thrives along them the best. 

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