Hardware: The playstation 3 utilizes not only the most powerful CPU for a console but also one of the most powerful CPU's compared to any computer out there. The playstations CPU is most notably known as the Cell Processor. It uses a completly diffrent architecture from any computer out there. It is a number crunching monster of a chip. The Cell was Developed by IBM and so has a similar core to that of the Xbox360's tri core processor. But where the Cell differs is that it only has one main core and then 8 mini cores called SPE's. These processors do not have the same ability as the main core, but are much faster at crunching numbers compared to a normal core. This in turn makes the Cell much faster and makes it run much cooler and power effective. The PS3 also has the RSX processor. I will admit I do not know much about this GPU. But it also has a slightly diffrent architecture. With the Cell and the RSX combined you have a very fast console that can push alot of high end graphics. The PS3 also comes with a slot loading Blu-ray player that is now being pushed as the next disk format to follow DVD. Bluray being able to hold 6 times the data on a single layer compared to a single DVD layer. and righ now they have 50 gig disks and are working on a 4 layer 100 gig disk. In comparison a dual layer DVD is 9 gig. The PS3 also comes in two SKU's and so I will only cover the high end version. All PS3's come with blutooth and wireless as standared. The ps3 also comes with a card reader and 4 usb slots. for transfering data and the USB is used for charging your controller. The controller it's self is connected by blutooth. the controller layout is the same compared to previos playstation consoles. Although the have impemented the Sixaxis tilt controls into the controller it's self. Currently controllers being sold now do not have the rumble feature. But Sony has now started making the Dual shock 3 controller with the rumble back in it, and will be launching stateside in the next few months. Also every PS3 comes with a hard drive. Varing on size depending on what SKU you bought. All of this comes at a premium price. But compared to other products and what you are getting. It is a very good deal.
Software: This is one of the diffrences between the PS3 and other consoles. You are able to install a few diffrent types of Linux on your PS3. This makes it very close to a full blown computer. I have not installed Linux on my PS3 although I have looked into it. The Ps3 like the other 2 consoles can play movies and music directly from the hard drive. But the Ps3 has one of the best Visulizers of anything out there. if you not familiar with what a visializer is. you may haveseen it on the windows media player any time you turn on a song and see the picture react to the music. The Ps3 also like the other consoles recieves free firmware updates either by internet or if you so want to can have a disk shipped to you for a small cost. This adds the ability for more fun options to be added to your PS3 at a later date. One of these is the Program called HOME. This is the Playstation version of nintendos Mii's and Microsofts Xbox live. It gives you stunning graphics and the ability to communicate with others around the world.

Upgrades and other: I put upgrades in this that I did not in the Other because of the Ability to change out the Hard drive in the Ps3 with a larger Laptop hard drive with out voiding the warrenty. Why would you want a larger hard drive? Media. Not only is Sony selling games online for download. But they will soon be selling the ability to download some of your favorite games and possibly movies right to the hard drive. This can take up space quickly. So if you decided that you were going to take advantage of this a larger hard drive would be a benefit.
Conclusion: For just games the PS3 is an expensive console. But if you like the playstation brand of games it is the way to go. If your looking for a blu-ray player. The PS3 is your best option in the market right now, and one of your cheaper options as it will always be updated and current to keep up witht the newer systems. The Biggest drawback to the PS3 right now is the Price being the most expensive of the consoles. Andother benefit/drawback is the web browser. The web browser is nice to have but is very limited on what sites it is compatible with. The PS3 is the console that gives you the most for your money. But if you don't have the money and don't want to wait for another price drop. You might be better off getting one of the other consoles if you know you will play some games. But I have played the other consoles and they have some great games, but I am still more satified with my PS3
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