First we will start out with the Nintendo Wii. 

Hardware: This is the weakest of the current Generation of consoles. By weakest I mean the processor speed and graphics abilities. Some people have compared it to taking 2 Nintendo Gamecubes and strapping them together. Nintendo has admitted that they were not going for a more powerful console this time around. You have with it the Wii mote and the nun-chuck. You can sync 4 of them up to the system. You also have multiple accessories to connect with the Wii mote if you so desire. Nintendo has also moved up to a DVD player in this system although the console will not play DVD movies. The Wii also has a slot card reader for memory cards like in you Digital camera. All this gets you a small system that is innovative in it's controls but not what anyone would be able to call a powerful little system.

Internet: The Wii has a basic web browser. But it does now have a 1 time cost for you to have the ability to use it. You also have the Ability to download old Nintendo, Sega, and other older consoles games. This library of games is still currently growing. You can share your Mii with others and also participate in other online activities.
Other: Other basic things with the Wii is the Photo Manager. Allowing you to show pictures on your T.V. you can use a CD,DVD or memory card to view your photo's.

Although I do think the Wii is a fun Console. I think it lacks in longevity. The Wii is the console version of Tickle Me Elmo. It is selling really big right now, But that is to a crowd that does not normally play Video games. Nintendo did a smart thing by Setting the Price they have because they are below the competition but they are still making money. But I think Nintendo has also done a great disservice to all those that have stayed with them and have enjoyed games in the Past. I think Nintendo should have gone for a more powerful CPU and GPU in the Wii. Not to keep up with Microsoft or Sony. But to make the Wii something that will be worth owning after two years on the market. The games are fun but I find that sometimes I want more. They are dumbed down versions of what we have already played in the past, but with a new face on it and graphics that are only a slight upgrade to what we were getting last Gen. I can Recommend the Wii, but not to everyone. If you are 15 or over you are better off with the other two consoles. if you like technology you are better off with the other two consoles. But if you like big Party games or have allot of kids, The Wii is for you.
Next Up is the Xbox360
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