October 28, 2023

Income tax is a lie to enslave the middle class and poor.

Income tax was made permanent in the early 1900s. I believe 1913. Before that it was to fund the Civil War and was only ment to be temporary.  
But then people with Marxist influence started saying a permanent income tax "Would make the Rich pay their fair share". 
So that is the lie we have been told for over 100 years. With income taxes ever rising and more market crashes than the 200 years before. 
But the truly rich are not part of the income tax bracket. They are part of the capital gains tax system which is a much lower percentage. 
Income tax has been used as an excuse by a poorly ran federal government to create national debt. Something they are not held accountable for. The American people are held accountable for the National debt. 
Then in the 70s they removed us from the gold standard. This allowed them to print more and more money. As of the past 2 decades we have waged wars with Tax money and also printed a lot of money. All making the Fiat money(American Dollar) worth less and less. That also made inflation go higher.
Now you also have a property tax. This also mean if you buy and pay off your house it's never really yours. You are only renting it from the federal government.  They can take it at any time.
 The ever raising prices of the housing market caused by inflation makes it so your property taxes go up every year. 
Eventually no one will be able to sustain a residence and the government will swoop in and own everything.  
We have made ourselves slaves to the system. We currently sit in a socialist country. It does not matter if we want to believe it or not. The government can and will ruin most people given the chance. 
Truly outright socialist countries usually max out at 50 years before they crumble. So depending on when we cross or did cross that line. I don't know if we truly have that much time left. 

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