First of all My phone takes panoramic pictures :) this is a vew of the mountains from the park about 30 sec. from my home. it's a nice small little park. with a great view. Those are Beautiful mountains if I do say so myself.
this is the front view from my porch over the salt lake valley. it was a nice sunset. and they have always been difficult to catch with a camera phone. But I think this turned out quite well.
I do think I live in a very pretty area.
Games: Currently the Xbox360 has the most games out. The Xbox brand is known mostly for it's FPS(First Person Shooter) games. Although they do have many other good games. Like Dead or alive, Saints row. and Project Gothem Raceing. But the biggest hit titles for the Xbox have been it's FPS.
Most notably The Halo Franchise. Halo is one of the Best Selling franchises of all time alongside those other famous characters like Sonic, Pacman, Mario, and other big game Icons.
The Xbox Brand is also very well know for it's online system. Xbox live is one of if not the most popular online community out there. There is a small fee, But if you are an online gamer it is worth the money.
Networking: The Xbox 360 does have a ethernet port on the system but if you have a wirless network you will have to pay a premium for the seperate wireless adapter. So I would have to recommend that if you can, you will want to hardwire the Xbox 360 to your network. but another good thing about the Xbox 360 is it's ability to become a media extender on your network. Meaning that you can listen and watch all the Music & movies on you windows based PC. This is actually one of the big selling points for the Xbox besides the games.
Conclusion: The Xbox 360 has some great things to it and some not so great things depending on how you look at it. The lack of a hard drive as standared is in my opinion an downgrade for the originale Xbox. The HD-DVD not being intigrated and not used for games is also a possible downgrade to the system and potentially hurts future game development. Although that is not a definate and still has yet to be seen if it will be a hinderance or not. Most of the Xbox 360's originalle issues was Microsoft trying to beat Both Sony and Nintendo to market. Some of the features feel rushed and un-polished. But this does not take away from this being a great console. So depending on what types of games you like to play and what game franchises you like to follow the Xbox 360 is a good choise in the end.