April 18, 2012

Sad days still can bring joy

So the past week along with the past year has been full of bad news. My dad who I love and respect has been fighting bone cancer for over a year and just recently was admitted to the hospital. His current doctor who I call the doctor of death only brings bad news and gives short time lines.
But through all of this I have found that even with all the crap I am wading through, there are times of joy still to be found. I get to see my family that live in areas on average 3.5 hours or more away. I get to see friends that time has not permitted for us to get together. On top of this all my dad in his pain is still cracking jokes and singing songs.
One of my dads friends told my brother and I a life education story. He said that on his mission he was pulled aside and told by a leader that not everything is funny. All these years later he has this to share. He has not found any situation that does not have something funny about it. He himself is in tears why he sits with my dad but they both find things to laugh about.
I hope that I can take that more into my life. I am too serious. I know that and I work on it everyday.

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